Brittney Lindstrom

Licensed professional therapist and certified rehabilitation counselor
Articles by
Brittney Lindstrom
The 9 Clearest Signs That Someone Is Going To Cheat On You (Or Already Has)
How many people out there have been cheated on? How many people reading this have had a feeling their partner is cheating?
All About Your Ex-Boyfriend, According To His Zodiac Sign
We all wonder about our exes, even if it is for a short period of time and how they feel about the break up regardless of who initiated it. Are they sad? Mad? Angry? Hurt? Happy?
To The ‘Man’ Who Ghosted Me, Karma Will Come For You
You were supposed to be my friend.
Why People Are Intimidated By You, Based On Your Life Path Number
Life path numbers should be taken into consideration with one’s zodiac sign as well as other personality numbers.
The Beautiful Disaster Of An Empath Loving A Narcissist
Empaths are genuine and loving in their nature while narcissist’s are con artists and compulsive liars.
She’s Not Crazy, She’s Hurt
She’s allowed to feel hurt and sad because you screwed her over.
She Deserves Your Honesty Not Your Bullshit
Did you ever once consider what she was going through? Do you have the slightest idea what you have put her through?
13 Signs You’re Not Dealing With Someone Who’s ‘Difficult’ But Is Actually A Narcissist
They have rigidly high standards and wants things done their way or no way at all.
If You Notice These 6 Signs, He Is Emotionally Abusive
He wants to spend every moment with you, which gets confusing.
Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Yourself, Based On Your Moon Sign
Your moon sign reveals the “inner you” or in other words, describes who you are deep down inside.
9 Realities Only People Who Live With Depression Will Understand
People who don’t suffer from depression are not able to fathom the intense feelings of pain and sadness experienced by those who have depression.