Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
54 Affirmations That Will Help You Break Free From Anxiety And Manifest The Life You Want
The minute I choose to not believe my worry, I dissolve it of its power.
Why People Who Marry Ambitious Women End Up The Happiest In Life
Ambitious women are holistic about their approach to life.
18 Vital Reminders For Anyone Who Refuses To Let Anxiety Eclipse Their Dreams
Everyone has anxiety. You are not a unicorn. You are just someone who is more self-aware of what you do and do not want to feel.
8 Borderline Magical Things That Happen When You’re In The Right Relationship
When you find the right relationship, it often serves as an important reminder that you were on the right path all along.
How To Find Inner Peace, Because Your Mind Will Be A War Zone If You Aren’t Connected To Your Center
Finding your inner peace is finding your inner warrior.
What Is Emotional Hunger? 17 Signs You’re Compensating For Feeling Unfulfilled
In the same way that bodies need water and nutrients to survive, minds need a sense of stimulation and accomplishment to thrive.
I Am Learning That Some People Always Need To Be Unhappy About Something, And The Wisest Response Is To Let Them Be
They will punish themselves tenfold by how they behave in the world, and how the world reacts to them.
The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With The Person Who Feels Like Family
Anything less is a cheapened relationship. Anything less is ordinary.
How To Get Over Someone: The Ultimate Guide To Releasing Attachments, Reinventing Yourself, And Opening Your Life To New Love
What is there to gain from heartbreak?
This Is The Only Way To Truly Determine If Someone Is The ‘Love Of Your Life’
When you are growing up, everyone tells you that you will “just know” when you’ve met the person you’re going to be with forever.
How Do I Meditate? The 7 Types Of Meditation And How Each Can Transform Your Life
Meditation is akin to working out: you don’t just do it once and expect to see results. Rather, you incorporate it into your everyday life and see sustained results with time.
The 12 Different Leadership Styles, And How To Tell Which One You Have
The term “leadership” has an inherently positive connotation… but that doesn’t always mean that every person in a leadership position is a principled person with admirable character.
44 Self-Care Activities That Will Actually Help Make Your Life Better
Stop digitally checking in with friends you had falling outs with, exes, and anyone else who isn’t an active part of your life. They’re only going to keep going on without you.
31 Subtle Ways People Show You Who They Really Are – And Why You Should Believe Them
If someone can be happy for others who are doing better than them in life, believe that they are confident in their own decisions.
18 Ways To Actually Forgive Someone Because Just Saying ‘It’s Okay’ Won’t Make You Feel Better
Be the bigger person and try to imagine what wounds made them act the way they did.
Read This If You’re Tired Of Healing, Purging, And Finding ‘Lessons’ In Your Pain
You start to align not with needing to be fixed but with already being fixed.
This Is The Honest Truth About Why Some People Self-Sabotage Their Own Success
People who self-sabotage can’t tell the difference between comfort and happiness.
This Is What Nobody Tells You About The Three Big Loves Of Your Life
Sometimes, our feelings can betray us, and we can end up treating a teacher like a soulmate.