Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
Another Person Is Not A Salve To Your Wounds, So Stop Relying On Others To Fix You
You probably already know that other people do not exist to be salves to your wounds, and yet you probably act like it regardless.
Stop Looking For A Sign, The Things That Are Meant For You Should Be Self-Evident
That is how powerful you are. You can make it true.
There Are 3 Types Of Losses In Our Lives, And Each Teaches Us Something Different
There are ultimately three different types of loss that we experience in our lives, and each is meant to teach us something about ourselves.
How To Write A Personal Mission Statement, Because Your Vision Will Become Your Reality
When it comes to building the life you want to live, most people try to design it backwards.
When Your Thoughts Are Running Away From You, Remember That Feeling Something Doesn’t Make It True
What you need to know first is that feeling something does not make it true.
You’re Not Going To Realize You’re Blossoming, But It’s Going To Happen Anyway
The truth is that becoming is not glamorous. It is not fun. It requires diverging from the easy path, leaving the safe trajectory, risking everything, trying anything.
This Is For Every Woman Who Has Ever Doubted That She’s Able To Change Her Life
Slowly, over time, you’re going to see that life is always changing, and now, you’re ready to change with it.
This Is The Year You Start Feeling Again, However Slowly It Happens
You either love this moment, or you lose it. That’s all.
The Love Of Your Life, Dream Job And Perfect City Will All Make You Feel These 8 Things
When something is right for you — truly, completely right — you’ll experience a process of acceptance, self-awareness and ultimately, ease.
47 Ways To Practice Micro-Healing In Your Everyday Life
Express genuine gratitude. Find something you are actually happy to have.
This Is The Psychological Reason Why Some People Worry Constantly, Even If Nothing’s Really Wrong
You’ll realize that very often, your worries weren’t only unfounded — they were completely made up.
8 Signs You’re Not Stuck, You’re Just More Comfortable Playing Small
You recognize that there’s so much potential for you to create a life you really love and are proud of, and you know because you see others doing it all the time.
This Is The Uncomfortable Sign You’re Finally Reaching New Levels Of Success In Your Life
The reality is that in life, we are not seeking happiness, we are ultimately seeking comfort.
The Spotlight Effect Is Making You Believe People Are Evaluating And Criticizing You Far More Than They Really Are
The spotlight effect is what happens when your social awareness goes into overdrive.
The Root Of Everything You Struggle With Is Something You Are Denying Yourself
They are not the people who have the most to be afraid of, or the people who are naturally indifferent about the world.
This Is The Difference Between Pursuing A Life That Looks Good And One That Actually Feels Good
What do you actually care about doing?
Read This If You’re In The Process Of Healing Your Life, But Feel More Misunderstood Than Ever
What you invest your time in is what will appear in your life. It is what will grow.
How To Overcome 8 Types Of Internal Conflict, Because You Can’t Win When You’re Battling Yourself
Love is actually one of the most common ways that people experience internal conflicts.