Becca Martin

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Articles by
Becca Martin
25 Uncomfortable Changes You Need To Make In Your 20s If You Want To Live A Life Without Regret
Continue to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Don’t let yourself get stagnant.
Here’s What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your ‘Lunar Personality’
If you were born during the New Moon you are an optimistic girlfriend.
Here’s Why You’re Stressed (And What You Can Do About It Right Now), Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Leo: You’re stressed out because you feel like you need to be in constant control and you can’t bear it when you’re not.
50 Fun, Cheap Dates That Are Perfect For Winter
Go ice skating together. Find out when open skate is and hit the ice with your partner.
The Gift Your Partner Really Wants And Needs, Based On Their Love Language
If your partner’s love language is receiving gifts the gift they really want and need is to be shown how much they mean to you in a measurable way.
Dear Single People Everywhere: The New Rule Is, There Are No Rules
This is your life and your life only, so do whatever you want!
Going Back To Him Won’t Make It Any Better
You convince yourself that you need them and that happiness can’t be found without them, even though happiness isn’t really a word you’d use to describe your time with them.
To The Best Friends I Always Leave Behind
One constant in my life is that I always leave – and probably always will – but the other constant is that I still have friends that love me even though I always leave them behind, so thank you for loving me regardless of where I am.
Living In America Makes Me Greedy And Hate Myself
I was living with next to nothing and I was the HAPPIEST I’ve ever been in my entire life.
The Only Thing You Have Control Over Is Your Reaction To What Happens In Life
I realized everything could be going wrong for me but I don’t have control over those things. I can’t control those things. The only thing I have control over is how I react to the things that are going wrong.
This Is Me Letting Go
This is me deciding I can’t control everything and I have to be okay with that. This is me deciding things will be okay – somehow, someway.
It’s Just A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life
The lows are here to remind us how lucky we are when the highs roll around, they teach us how to be appreciative.
I’m Not The Girl For You Anymore
I would break myself over and over again wondering why I wasn’t good enough, why you didn’t want to stay once the sun came up, why you didn’t want to commit. But I realized it was my own fault.
20 Pieces Of Love Advice I’ve Learned In My 20s
Don’t allow someone to start treating you poorly just because you’ve been together a “long time.” The little things and compliments should never stop.
Don’t Jump Back Into Your Toxic Relationship Just Because He Came Back
It’s easy to believe someone is different because it’s what you want to believe. You want to believe the person you love and you want to believe things are going to be better this time around.
Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Convenient For Someone Who Doesn’t Prioritize You
You are not too much or too little, you do not love too hard or feel too much, you do not need to change a single thing about yourself to make someone more attracted to you because you are perfectly enough the way you are.
10 Common Sense Dating Rules We Could All Use A Reminder About
Don’t change who you are to impress someone. It’s not worth it. You aren’t going to be for everyone and that is okay, just like everyone isn’t for you. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. Be who you are and the right person will like you just for that.
I Wish I Could Stop Pushing You Away But I’m So Used To People Leaving
I push you away because I can’t see how someone like you could love someone like me. I don’t believe it. I see my flaws like a neon sign in the dead of the night.