This is me letting go of all the things I can’t control, of all the decisions others have made that directly affected me in a negative way.
This is me letting go of all the things I can’t change, of all the moments I’ve wanted nothing more than to be able to fix and change something beyond my control.
This is me letting go of all the relationships that I’ve held on to for far too long, of all the people who I’ve continuously bent over backwards for when they’ve never lifted a finger.
This is me letting go of all the negativity I’m holding on to, of all the baggage I’m dragging around with me into other people’s lives.
This is me letting go of all the bad thoughts, of all the pessimism that I’ve allowed to consume me because a few things haven’t worked out as planned.
This is me letting go of all the expectations that I’ve created in my head, of all the forthcoming moments I’ve built up before they happened only to be left with less.
This is me letting go of all the fear I’ve created, of all the moments I’ve allowed myself to feel powerless and a victim to.
This is me letting go of all the stress, of all the things I’m allowing myself to get bent out of shape over because I know allowing myself to become more stressed will never help speed things up.
This is me letting go of all the drama that doesn’t affect me, of treating other people’s problems like my own.
This is me letting go of power, of knowing I can’t always be in the drivers seat.
This is me letting go of my way, of accepting that other people can and will do things better than I can.
This is me letting go of all the negativity I feel crushing my chest and clouding my head.
This is me deciding it’s time to stop trying to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. This is me deciding it’s time to put myself first. This is me deciding it’s okay to be the one who needs someone there for me every now and then. This is me deciding I can’t control everything and I have to be okay with that. This is me deciding things will be okay – somehow, someway.
This is me letting go of my control, my possession, my power, my fear. This is me letting go of everything that I’m allowing to consume me.
This is me deciding it’s time to just be. To let things go as planned. To accept what is and trust in what will be.
This is me letting go. For good.