Andrea Davis
Writer + published author
Change Is Scary But Change Is Good
Each and every change reveals something new about yourself that you didn’t pay attention to before.
We’re The Generation That Is Losing Its Ability To Love
We suck at dating because when things become too much or too little, we’re no longer interested.
The Beautiful And Ugly Truth About Soulmates
I always wondered what it would be like to find my ‘soulmate’, until I finally did. And eventually, it all came crashing down.
This Is How Being Lost Turns You Into The Person You’re Meant To Be
When things are good, savor those moments, and never take them for granted. When things are tough, trust your struggle.
The 5 Biggest Reasons Our Relationships Always Seem To Fail
Stop bringing past arguments into current circumstances. When you use situations from the past as a weapon, you’re inadvertently soliciting resentment in your relationship.
6 Amazing Things That Happen When You Stop Giving A Shit What Other People Think
It makes life so much more enjoyable when you care about what you think and not what everyone else thinks.
30 Little Pieces Of Advice I Wish I Could Give To My 18-Year-Old Self
Friendships don’t always last forever even if you thought they would.
Just So You Know, The Only Way To Truly Heal Is To Let Go
Relish in the pain. Let it hurt, then let it go.
Some People Are Meant To Be Temporary And That’s Okay
I’ve always found it to be so cool that your life crosses paths with the lives of so many others, and that even if you just know someone for a short time, you can have an effect on their life and their stories. Looking at it from this point of view makes life exciting.
30 Things To Remember If You’ve Ever Had Your Heart Broken
Be strong enough to walk away from something that no longer helps you evolve.
What It Actually Means To Be An Introvert, Because It’s So Much More Than Being Shy
Get an introvert talking about something they’re passionate about and the will never shut up- I promise you that.
12 Things You Have To Know Before Dating An Independent Woman
She takes her pride very seriously, and has a difficult time swallowing it.
50 Positive Affirmations You Deserve To Tell Yourself Every Single Day
Nothing is impossible.
7 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Toxic Master Manipulator
A manipulator is sufficient at placing the blame on anyone else besides themselves. In fact, they’re so good at it that they’ll have you almost certain that you’re the problem.
12 Signs You’re More Grown Up Than You Think You Are
Sometimes you experience self-doubt and life isn’t always so pretty. This means you’re open to growth and making changes for the better.
12 Things You Absolutely Never Have To Be Sorry For
You are always granted to say no without having an excuse or reason. Say no when you want to and you never need to justify as to why.
Why Happiness Is A State Of Mind, Not A Destination
You will never be happy with your life if you’re always focusing on your mistakes, failures, and shortcomings.
The Ugly Truth About Why You Push People Away
Pushing people away first is satisfying because it’s better to know you’re the one who drove them away rather than it being the other way around.