Be Your Own Universe

Be a star in the sense that you don’t need validation or confirmation from anyone that you are a star. A star just knows its worth, a star knows it’s a star whether people agree or not. Be a star in everything you do and watch the whole galaxy make room for you.
25 Police Officers On The Frightening Paranormal Calls They Were Forced To Respond To

It proceeded to change size, shape, and color several more times right in front of me (doberman, bloodhound, tan mastiff, then finally a yellow lab) before running off into the dark.
16 Things That Happen When Your Best Friend Is Like, Really Really Hot

You will always end up answering more questions about THEIR dating life than your own.
All The Ways I Want To Kiss You

I’ll kiss your temples. The little divots where I know your mind is spinning. I will kiss away your headaches, your worries, your fears. I will kiss you into calm.
I Was So Excited About The Potential Of Us

If you taught me anything from leaving it’s that I need to stop believing in the idea of what could have been. I need to let go and move on, without you, just like you did without me.
When An Uber Driver Picked Up This Girl From A Bar, He Had No Idea Her Story Would Break His Heart
Why Your Crush Won’t Text You Back, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Taurus: You shouldn’t get too upset about not getting a text back. The only reason your crush is taking forever to answer is because you took forever to answer them. It’s an eye for an eye situation.
Sometimes You Won’t Get The Closure You Deserve (But You’ll Survive, This I Promise)

Not getting an answer sucks. Watching the person you care for so deeply change before your eyes and walk away, sucks. But you will make it through.
I Stopped Making Excuses For People

Those who care, will find ways to be there and those who don’t will find ways to run away. It’s as simple as that.
14 Things To Expect When You Date A Girl With A Big Personality

Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and accept that you’d rather be happy than right.
14 Women Confess Their Biggest Insecurities In Bed

“My biggest insecurity is that I can make myself cum more than any guy I’ve ever been with.”
30 Cute Little (Childish) Things That Perfect Couples Do Together

You try to embarrass each other in public by slapping each other’s asses or by having fake arguments in front of strangers.
Date A Woman Who Reads

Date a woman who reads, who gets lost in bookstores and within the stories of places and people, falling in love with characters she’s never met and worlds she’s never been to.
I’ll Always Regret Not Saying ‘Yes’ When You Asked To Get Back Together

Even though I don’t want it to be true, you occupy such a huge part of me. I still love you, in some way.
The Truth About Accepting The Things We Cannot Change

Letting someone go and find themselves doesn’t mean we’re losing them. It means we’re letting them grow into the person they need to become.
I’m Finally Ready To Reveal Some Of The Darker Secrets Surrounding My Family’s Teahouse
This Is How You Love Yourself

Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Come on, do it. Take yourself in because my god there is no one else in the world quite like you.