How We Used To Love VS How We Love Now

What was so different back then? Where did we go wrong? How did we lose the essence of love and romance along the way?
14 Signs You’re Being Way Too Clingy And Will Ultimately Scare Him Away

Do you stalk your own phone every five minutes (or less) to find out if he’s responded to your texts, Facebook message, Tweet, or any of the other 50 ways you tried to reach him?
These Are The 40 Funniest ‘Dad Texts’ You’ll Ever Read
22 Things To Stop Doing In 2016 (And 22 Things To Start Doing Instead)

Stop filling your free time with Netflix. (Start looking for hobbies that you’d actually be excited to pursue in the new year. Start looking for local language groups, or a sports meet-up in your neighborhood. Look for a pottery studio, or take up coloring. Become a regular at Tuesday night bar trivia.)
What It Would Look Like If We Just Decided To ‘Screw It’ And Nuke ISIS

“We will carpet-bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out.” —Ted Cruz, December 2015
5 Stages Of Defending The People You Love In The Face Of Public Scrutiny

Sure, there are multiple sides to every story, but your truth rests on the side of whomever you’re most loyal. It’s their perspective you understand innately. Their version of events you embrace.
17 Words We Don’t Have in English That Describe Feelings We Have Every Day

Ever been driving for a while and your girlfriend reaches out and gently strokes the place where your hair meets your neck––without saying anything––and it says everything? That’s cafuné.
8 Ways A Breakup Can Change You For The Better

As the past recedes, so does the pain. We continue to embrace each moment, to make the most of each new day, and sooner or later love comes round again.
This Is What Women Are Doing Wrong When It Comes To Online Dating (According To Men)

How’s online dating going? Is your inbox looking empty? Do you wonder why he stopped texting? Why he didn’t want a second date? Maybe you’re making some mistakes when using the internet to find a relationship.
8 Reasons Why Being An Idealist Is A Strength, Not A Weakness

Because they immediately see the humanity in everyone, they are able to love others unconditionally. They are more forgiving, accepting and open-minded.
8 Signs You’re Not Unhappy – You’ve Just Outgrown Your Current Life
16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On The Right Path
50 Quotes That Every ENTP Will Instantly Relate To

“Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti
Why I’m So Excited To Spend 2016 With You

I look forward to the simple moments this year will gift us. The moments where I get to admire you when you are unguarded, or unaware.
23 Relationship Hang-Ups You Need To Get Over Right Now If You Want Lasting Love

It’s time to replace all those flimsy, idealistic notions with some realistic romantic expectations.
4 Rational Things To Do When He Won’t Stop Talking About His Ex

You’re dating a great guy. But, he has this one huge flaw that is grating your nerves — he keeps talking about his ex, all the time!