Your Year Will Be Bigger Than Your New Year’s Resolutions

Your Year Will Be Bigger Than Your New Year’s Resolutions

Ah, New Years Eve. The evening of little miracles. Take away the dazzling fireworks, the celebrations, the drinking and the countdowns and what you are left with is hope. Small human hope. The hope of better days, of fresh starts, and perhaps, if you are very lucky, a kiss. But it also has an ugly side. For some of us, it is the time of the year when all of our fears and doubts converge with the enormous weight of the world and all of the pressure becomes too much. It is the time of the year we can begin to feel obliged to make big dramatic resolutions and implement significant change in our lives.

But why? Why should we mark a single day in our calendars to commit ourselves to ventures that promise to make us happier or healthier? Shouldn’t these be goals we pursue all year round? And furthermore, are these kinds of once-off commitments genuinely helpful?

No, I don’t believe any of us should stress so much about making up our minds and settling on a path or direction for 2016. The division of time into years is a human invention, and fact is, every minute of every day is a brand new opportunity for resolution and growth. Real, genuine change or accomplishment can rarely trace its origins back to a single decision, rather, it comes about organically and over time, slowly gathering strength through a sustained and conscious effort, and by remaining motivated and true to your cause. There is no need to cheapen your hopes and dreams by reducing them to half-hearted, one line slogans you will quickly forget. Instead, understand that there is nothing to be frightened of. That this coming year, like any other, will arrive a single day at a time, and any challenges you may face can be overcome in small manageable chunks. That you may fail, time and time again, but there will always be another opportunity in tomorrow to make amends, to get back up on your feet and try again. Recognise that it’s not the resolutions you make once a year that matter, but the ones you make with every single breath.

So, when the clock strikes twelve, the glasses are clinked, and the fireworks fly to mark the close of 2015, relax—think back on all you have achieved over the course of the past year, and take a moment to enjoy the company of your loved ones. Take it easy, and celebrate for a moment, the rest will come to you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Beau Taplin

My name is Beau Christopher Taplin and I am the author of Buried Light.