The Benefits Of Falling In Love With Your Best Friend From High School

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
In Defense Of Girls Who Wear Makeup

There’s a certain soapbox people love to stand on when it comes to makeup and beauty products. Let’s call it the “be confident in your own skin” soapbox.
15 Things Ambitious Girls Do A Little Bit Differently When They’re Dating

There’s no “wait two hours to text back” guidelines that they believe they have to follow. Ambitious girls do what they want when they want, because they don’t have time for arbitrary dating rules.
21 Hilarious Instagram Captions That Will Blow Your Mind Away

if u spend the whole day watching Netflix at least put in one of the educational ones halfway through~
This Is What A Modern Day Fairytale Love Story Is Actually Like

This person showed up and all of the sudden you were smiling when you were grocery shopping or taking out the trash.
7 Reasons Every Woman Should Travel At Least Alone Once In Her Lifetime

I encourage all women to experience the beauty of traveling alone at least once in their lifetime, if only to discover what you are capable of.
5 Wrong Things Women Do With Men That End A Relationship Before It Even Starts

Focusing on a “fantasy future.” It always starts off so perfect; the first couple of dates go smoothly and you just can’t help but get excited for the future possibilities this new guy has to offer. We begin to think of where this relationship might go and we create a whole fantasy future.
Which Disney/Pixar Villain Are You? (Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type)
12 Reasons Everyone Needs A Sarcastic Best Friend

A sarcastic BFF reminds you to find the humor in…everything. Even things you’d be totally terrified to joke about with other people.
11 Truly Awkward Blind Date Moments That Will Really Get You Cringing
When You Think You Miss Him, This Is What You’re Actually Missing

Your past had security but living in the memories of it means you’re not doing anything to change your present. All it means is that you’re making it harder to forget about, because you’re too busy holding on.
23 Things Girls Deserve From The Guy They’re With

You deserve a guy who will not propose to you on Valentine’s Day because that shit is tacky.
19 Bitter-Sweet Realities Only People Who Live Far Away From Their Families Will Understand

You realize perhaps more easily than you would if you saw them all the time, that your parents are not just your parents. They were people with dreams, and hopes and fears, and baggage. And they are getting older with all those things. As are you.
14 People Described Something That Happened To Them That They Still Can’t Explain, And Their Stories Are CREEPY

“Something happened one day we can’t even logically explain and my husband doesn’t like to talk about it because he doesn’t believe in any of that stuff.”
23 Terrible Stories That Will Instantly Trigger Everyone In The Retail And Service Industry
21 Things You Should Know Before Dating A Teacher

If you ever insinuate that our job is “easy” because we have summers off, it will be the end of our relationship.