Which Disney/Pixar Villain Are You? (Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type)

If you don’t know your Meyers Briggs Personality type go find it now and come back!
1. INFP – Syndrome

Let’s face it — you can be overly sensitive, and can’t handle rejection well. How could Mr. Incredible send you home when you could’ve helped?! You’ve got a powerful imagination, but it can sometimes lead you astray. You’ll oftentimes spend too much time daydreaming, caught in your grand plans, but you’re determined to give them the most spectacular heroics they’ve ever seen. And when you’ve had your fun, you can sell your inventions so that everyone can be superheroes. Because when everyone’s super, no one will be.
INFJ – Sid Phillips

You might be an often overlooked villain, but that doesn’t stop you from being one of the baddest kids on the playground. As an INFJ you’ve got your own sense of style, and nothing can stop you from rocking that skull t-shirt. You’re often quiet and a bit of a loner. Engaging with others can be hard, especially your annoying little sister, Hannah. But maybe she’ll understand you better after you give her Janie doll a double bypass brain transplant.
INTJ – Jafar

Like Jafar, you won’t rest until you’ve solved whatever problem is at hand. Whether you have to kill Aladdin 100 times, you won’t stop until you’ve got the lamp. However, your ability to think critically and over-confidence in your own intelligence may be your downfall. It can be easy to think you’re the smartest person in the room, but remember that with phenomenal cosmic powers also comes itty-bitty living space.
INTP – Yzma

Whether you’re making potions or plotting to overthrow the Emperor, you always see things logically. Your mind is so complicated, you may require a hunky assistant to help you with your daily tasks. You’re often too far in your own thoughts, like plotting to kill Kuzco, to notice what’s going around you. Especially when Kronk pulls the wrong leeevvvvverrrrrr. So if you want something right you’ll probably do it yourself. But seriously, why do we even have that lever?
ISFJ – Smee

You’re viciously loyal to your Captain. You live to take care of others and to protect them from the dangers in life, especially the ticking crocodiles. You can be very humble and avoid drawing attention to yourself. You get most satisfaction from helping the group and aiding in the capture of that brat, Peter. You also rarely disclose personal information so your boss may just refer to you as Smee, never knowing whether that’s your first or last name.
ISFP – Evil Queen

You’re clearly the fairest of them all, but you also tend to express yourself more through actions than words. You’ll never admit you’re jealous of a girl, but you will command your friend to bring you her heart. You try your best to care about others but ultimately your own problems are most important. On the bright side, your artistic abilities are unmatched. So if you need to disguise yourself as an old woman you’re in luck, because you’re a whiz with a makeup brush and prosthetics. But at the end of the day remember, you’re the original villain and you will give this wretched world the queen it deserves.
ISTJ – Mother Gothel

You’re the mastermind. You’ve got a talent for problem solving, especially that pesky problem of immortality. You’re all about strategy. Whether you’re planting a stolen crown or hiring goons to scare your daughter, you’re always a few steps ahead. You’re great at relaying your ideas with such confidence that you can convince anyone of almost anything. You could even convince your daughter not to leave. Why go outside when there’s ruffians, thugs, poison ivy AND quicksand!
ISTP – Bowler Hat Guy

You’ve got a great mind for mechanics. However, others may question your genius inventions because they’ve got a big head and little arms and they’re just not sure how well this plan was thought through. Your only fault is that you’re reserved and even aloof. You might not even notice the evil bowler hat that’s trying to undermine your evil scheme. You might not have all the details worked out yet, but you know that with this latest invention you’re going to crush the dreams of a young orphan boy…but after that, it’s kind of hazy.
ENFJ – Hans

Your main goal is implement your vision of what is best for humanity. Your vision just happens to be you ruling Arendelle. You’re very energetic and driven, and can multitask like a pro. You can woo the girl and secretly plot to kill her sister without even breaking a sweat. You’re also really intuitive to the emotions of others and can use that to manipulate them. Sadly, people don’t like being manipulated, and you’re likely to be disappointed when others do it back to you. Oh well, if only there was someone out there who loved you.
ENFP – Hades

You’re the master of sass, wit, and humor. You rule the one-liners. You can always make a positive spin on things. Even living in the underworld isn’t so bad; it’s a little dark, a little gloomy. And, as always, hey, full of dead people. You’ve also got little patience with people. You’re a little hotheaded and short tempered but what else can you do when your henchmen are worthless worms. One of your main talents, however, is interacting with others. We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do you say? Come on.
ENTJ – Ursula

You’re all about the long-term plan. You’re willing to wait years until the perfect opportunity comes knocking at your door asking for a pair of legs. You live to help the unfortunate, poor souls with no one else to turn to. You have a tendency to be blunt and dominate the conversation, often leaving others speechless. But your real goal in life is to be as powerful as possible. Manipulating men is easy for you; don’t underestimate the power of body language. You’re very ambitious and wouldn’t be opposed to marriage as long as it means advancing your position of power.
ENTP – Stinky Pete

You see things your own way and expect others to go along with your vision. You’ve been around the block a few times and you know children destroy toys. And if you’re not preserved in the box you’ll be ruined, forgotten, spending eternity rotting in some landfill. One of your best characteristics is that you’re friendly and often charming. Your naturally charismatic self is enough to get others on board with your schemes. Your first instinct is to try to reason with people — but if they don’t see things your way, you’re forced to take extreme measures.
ESFJ – Lotso

You’re very dedicated to your responsibilities, whether that means running things around Sunnyside or keeping the misbehaving toys in prison. All you really want is harmony and cooperation. It’s especially easy to monitor other’s cooperation when you’ve got a cymbal-banging monkey monitoring the security cameras. It’s also very easy for you to judge others’ opinions. You’d have to be an idiot not to agree with you. You know that ain’t one kid that ever really loved a toy. And if they don’t agree with you then they can chew on that when they’re at the dump.
ESFP – Cruella de Vil

You were born to entertain, darling. Your fashion sense is unmatched and you carefully choose what fabrics you surround yourself with. You live for fur, you worship fur. After all, is there a woman in this entire wretched world who doesn’t? But you’re more than just your fashion sense; you’re also fiercely independent. You know for certain that we lose more women to marriage than to war, famine and disease. Most men can’t handle you because most would describe you as being like a spider waiting for the kill.
ESTJ – Queen of Hearts

You’re a traditionalist who loves ruling over others. Everything must be your way or it’s off with their heads! You really don’t care how others do things because you know how it’s supposed to be done. Sentence first, verdict afterwards. You’re always in control and expect obedience from everyone else below you. When things don’t go your way you simply cannot contain yourself. Because if the roses aren’t red then someone’s head IS GOING TO ROLL FOR THIS!
ESTP – Gaston

You excel in risky situations. You’re not one of the average Joes in town. There’s no man in town as admired as you, you’re everyone’s favorite guy. Everyone’s awed and inspired by you and it’s not very hard to see why. If you’re not talking to your bros then you’re flirting. You also love various physical actives. Not to mention you’ve got biceps to spare and every last inch of you is covered with hair. You tend be spontaneous to keep people on their toes. Who knows what’s next for you — maybe you’ll propose to a random girl in town.