Inside The Mind Of A Girl Who Fears Commitment

When you said you wanted to be in a relationship, I panicked. When you made it sound like there was a near-future, I was internally screaming. I was in a burning building and all I could see were the little green lit up exit signs. Then I bolted.
For Every Fierce Woman Who Has Tried To Be Tame

You have stayed when you wanted to leave. Held on when you wanted to give in. Been at ends with your own exhausted mind about what makes you happy because you do not want the things you were once taught to want.
Our Baby Mysteriously Disappeared, But My Wife Says She Can Still Hear Her Crying Through The Baby Monitor

I should have known something was off by the puzzled looks on the police officers’ faces as my wife recounted everything that had happened.
7 Great Things To Do When Your Girlfriend Is On Her Period
3 Ways To Tell If You’re A Loser (And 6 Things You Can Do About It)
5 Reasons Why Loving Someone Is Hard When You Have Anxiety
13 Songs That Perfectly Capture What It’s Like To Be An INFP

Yes, we are sensitive to our moods and the moods of those around us but only because we feel all our ~*~emotions~*~ so deeply. And that is the very opposite of weakness.
This Is The Brutal Murder That Inspired 9-1-1

In 1964, Kitty Genovese was stabbed and killed in her New York City apartment building, and 38 witnesses did nothing to help her.
You Haven’t Met Your Soulmate Yet Because They Don’t Exist

We are not incomplete human beings, and there is no one in the world who is going to fill the voids of our soul other than ourselves.
A Man Body Shamed While Dancing Is Having A Party Thrown Just For Him

Internet bullying is no joke. That’s why I’m so very pleased to see something amazing come from a rudely captioned photo taken by a body shaming jerk and posted on 4chan.
If Feminism Is About Equality, Why Do Feminists Oppose Equality?
Doing This Simple Task Every Morning Will Vastly Improve Your Life (Try It For 30 Days)
9 Reasons Girls With Small Boobs Should Embrace The Hell Out Of It
How Long Does It Really Take To Fall In Love?
Loving You Is The Scariest Thing I’ve Ever Done

You don’t understand what it means when the love poet finally lowers the shield and realizes she’s in love.
13 People Reveal The Most INSANE Thing Their Ex Has Ever Done

The next morning I left my apartment to get coffee and there was a giant human turd on my porch with a note that said, “you shit on my heart so I shit on your porch. Fuck you.”
22 Song Lyrics That Perfectly Capture The Spirit Of Dating In The Modern Era

“Keep bleeding. Keep, keep bleeding love. I keep bleeding. I keep, keep bleeding love.”