De-Stigmatizing The Stigma: On Dating Someone Who Was HIV-Positive “ Lately, I have been wondering if I treated Luc the way that he deserved to be treated. Yes, he probably should have told me about his HIV earlier, but that didn’t give me an excuse to cast him off as dirty or “unclean.”
12 Types Of Gay Men You Will Encounter While Dating “ Sometimes you just want to go on a date and there aren’t any exciting prospects lined up so you’ll accept an invitation from a guy who looks like Janet Reno’s nephew.
8 Weird Questions You Want To Ask Your Lesbian Friends (And The Answers So You No Longer Have To!) “ “Which one of you is the boy?”
“I’m Totally In Favor Of Gay Rights, But This Transgender Stuff Is Weird.” “ A cisgender woman can’t be fired for presenting as a woman. Why is it fair that a transgender woman should be able to be fired for presenting herself as a woman at work?
51 Gay Slang Phrases You’ve Never Heard Before “ 32. Over the bridge to Pimpleton (n.) – cumbersome term for homosexual intercourse.
How To Take A Test “ Just use the number they assigned you and fill this out – be truthful, it won’t hurt, I promise.
33 Badass Hillary Clinton Quotes That Prove Why She Should Be Our First Female President “ She shouldn’t just be the next president. Hillary Clinton should be the next Batman.