Stephanie Denning

Articles by
Stephanie Denning
Date Someone Who Changes All The Standards You Thought You Had
So shouldn’t we apply the high standards we hold ourselves to, to the people we date as well?
What You Need To Remember When Caring About ‘13 Reasons Why’ Stops Being Cool
As Hannah Baker said, “You really don’t know what’s going on in someone’s life.”
Brad Pitt Is Allegedly Texting Jennifer Aniston Again And In Other News Once A Fuckboy Always A Fuckboy
To be honest, it is pretty ballsy of him to confide in his ex-wife about how hard of time he’s having in the divorce from his current wife/old mistress. Don’t you think Jen had a hard time when you left her for this other woman, buddy?
Here Are The Super Simple Ways I’ve Curbed Being A Compulsive Spender And Am Actually Saving Money
I’ve slowly taught myself a few tricks over this past year to save up as much as I can without even changing my life around that much at all.
You Are Not Required To Forgive People
I don’t want to leave a door open for someone just for them to come in and walk all over me like a doormat.
The Unedited Truth About The Girls You Call ‘Crazy’
She’s probably not psycho, she probably just really likes you.
He Doesn’t Deserve Anymore Chances (So STOP Giving Them To Him)
If the silly boy doesn’t learn after the first time, then he is probably too stupid to be with you anyway.
Sometimes It Takes More Bravery To Walk Away
It may not be the easiest decision but the ones that are right rarely are.