Sophie Martin
7 Things That Will Ruin Any Relationship In Your 20s
How much the two of you are respectively still going out and drinking, and how much your social life looks like it did when you were in college, are going to make a big impact on your relationship.
21 Signs Someone Is Bad For You
4. When they don’t call you back, it tortures you.
21 Things You Learn From Your First Love
Being in love is a full-time job, and a lot of other parts of your life are going to have to take a big hit in terms of time commitment in order to accomodate it.
21 Things You Need Before You’re Ready To Seriously Date
The comfort with your appearance to be naked, makeup-free, and completely casual without feeling like you want to peel your skin off every time your significant other sees you in your natural state.
19 Brutal Truths About Life That No One Will Tell You
People think about their exes in bed sometimes, including with you. Including about that ex you are really threatened by and worry that they might still have feelings for.
19 Reasons To Tell Someone You Love Them
We often leave relationships wondering if we were ever really loved at all, and it’s a terrible feeling. You can stop that kind of pain in your own relationships if you want to.
19 Ways To Make Mornings Less Terrible
If you have an alarm sound that is one of your favorite songs, change it immediately. There is no reason to ruin that song for yourself for the rest of your life (and you will).
19 Signs You Are Outgrowing Your Friends
None of them like to talk about the same subjects you do anymore, and every time you try to bring up art or politics, they look at you like you’re the most pretentious human they’ve ever seen.
5 Things You Learn In A Long-Distance Relationship
Your friends will never understand.
8 Things People Will Say To You When You’re Single
“My aunt never got married, and she is perfectly happy!”
22 Signs You’re A Crazy Girl
All of your friends know to go to you for advice for sex, masturbation, porn, relationships, and generally delicate stuff that they wouldn’t be comfortable asking anyone else.
11 Things To Do When Your Crush Doesn’t Want You Back
Realize how much you were happy to exaggerate or ignore because you wanted to keep the image you have of them in your head completely perfect.
21 Problems With Dating In Your 20s
For financial reasons, especially in big cities, it’s so easy to move in together that you can’t even tell if you really want to or are ready to, you just know that you want to be paying half as much rent.
22 Things We Have To Stop Sharing On Facebook
Posts that are cross-posted from your Twitter/Pinterest/Vine — if we wanted to see these things, we would be following you on these platforms.
22 Signs You Are Not Ready To Get Married
At the end of the fairy tale, when the Princess rides off into the sunset to marry the handsome Prince, you’re just like, “Really?? That’s IT??! I wanna see more of her actual story!”
6 Signs You Grew Up Too Fast
Everyone convinced you that taking the first job that would have you was the best way to secure your future, and now you’re absolutely paranoid of letting it go.
Why You Should End Up With Your Best Friend
But nothing could be less ordinary than someone who cares about us when it’s least convenient.
7 Things Every Woman Should Accomplish In Her 20s
But being able to say “No, I deserve better than this,” and moving on to actually find something that is, is crucial to finding out what it is you really want in a partner.