Sade Andria Zabala

Filipina mermaid. Author of WAR SONGS and Coffee & Cigarettes.
Articles by
Sade Andria Zabala
Here’s Which Legendary RuPaul’s Drag Race Queen You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
She’s all ready to have hers!
How You’re Turning Off Your Crush, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
GEMINI: You’re too low-key about your intentions. When it comes to mushy feelings, Gemini, you’re not exactly the smoothest operator.
12 Self-Care Tips For Anyone Who Thinks They’re Too Broke For It
You are never too poor to take care of yourself. You are never too poor to deserve to feel loved, at peace, and happy.
How You Will Inevitably Screw Up This 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Cancer: If you allow your insecurities, doubts, and moodiness to cloud your judgment you might miss your chance for a fresh start.
This Is Which Rick And Morty Character You’re Most Like, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
LIBRA: Summer. Despite the world almost always going to shit, you still remain impressively optimistic.
This Is Your Poem For 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Gemini: You’re full-speed ahead and take all prisoners. Stealing the shine from falling stars. Don’t burn too fast and you will surely make it far.
5 Important Words To Always Remember In Your Life
Reciprocate: Don’t keep anyone in your life who isn’t willing to reciprocate the love, energy, and effort that you give them.
Which Horror Movie Final Girl You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius: Her self-awareness is what makes Max Cartwright the goofiest and most charming “final girl”, but what makes her interesting is that her love interest isn’t really a boy – it’s her mom.
7 Spooky Real-Life Stories That’ll Give You Nightmares For Days
A year later, her little brother moved in with her as he was attending the same University as her. He also claims to have heard the same sounds. They all even attest to sometimes hearing what seemed to be people talking in the empty apartment next door.
Why We Need To Stop Posting Photos Of Other People’s Dead Bodies On Social Media
Their death and their bodies are not yours to capture and share.
How You’ll Die In A Horror Movie, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: You’ll die because you piss off the killer. Even when you’re probably scared as f*ck deep inside, your egotism will get the best of you. You’ll try to prove to your friends (and the audience) that you’re brave, so you taunt the killer.
Which Game Of Thrones Villain You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Libra, you’re a sneaky jackass. At your best you are helpful, but at your worst you are superficial and impatient. Exactly like honor-breaking, guest-murdering Walder Frey.
Your Pretty Little Liars Character, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Cancer: There’s no one more clingy and protective than Emily Fields.
Screw Taylor Swift’s Self-Serving Feminism
Now, let’s talk about the ridiculousness of her diss track. It’s called “Look What You Made Me Do”. Umm… you literally did this to yourself, Taylor???? As a rich adult white girl who only got her foot in Hollywood’s door because of her rich white parents, nobody forced you to do anything.
90 Things Girls Are Sick And Tired Of Hearing
Feminazis are scum! Women have too much power already and we don’t need feminism anymore.
45 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself In Order To Live Your Best Life
What is the biggest crime I committed towards someone else? Have I done anything to make up for it?
There Is So Much Shade Going On In The Poetry Community And It Needs To Stop
Poetry, like any other art, is subjective.
Your Game Of Thrones Character, Based On Your Zodiac
Aquarius: It’s quite strange to pair fire-loving Lady Melisandre with an Air sign, but this is exactly where her personality fits. Unconventional, self-sufficient, and emotionally closed off, Melisandre and Aquarius will fight to the death for a cause they believe in.