Ryan O'Connell
7 Tips For Having The Best Night Of Your Freaking Life
Don’t sleep alone. Wake up surrounded by friends so you can all get something to eat and talk about the amazing things that just happened.
This Is How We Break Up Now
Breakups will never be what they once were. In order to really let go and not spend two years getting over a six month relationship, you have to detach. You have to do away with social niceties and blow up the relationship graveyard.
How Uber Changed My Life
SPONSORED POST: I had a pay-as-you-go phone for ten years and all it took was one night with Uber for me to be like, “I NEVER KNEW YA!”
5 Types Of Relationships That Always End In A Break Up
I grew up middle-class. All of my friends were middle-class. Then when we went away to college, we were exposed to all of these different kinds of levels of wealth. Some of my friends shacked up with rich boyfriends, only to have the relationship dissolve because it became too uncomfortable.
5 Things You Have To Remember When You’re Feeling Depressed
Be in the present. When you’re unhappy, it’s tempting to think about the past and basically anything that’s not right in front of you. But the past is something you can’t do a damn thing about and obsessing over it will only further the unhappiness.
The Things You Learn From The People Who Aren’t Able To Love You
People—even the wrong ones—come into your life to teach you the lessons you can’t learn on your own. It is your job not to make a fuss about it. You just sit, listen, let their words bleed into your scalp, and get the hell out at the appropriate time.
Boys Never Text You The Things You Want Them To
Basically I want to know what it feels like to be the boy who cares less.
This Is What Addiction Looks Like
People still have this image of addicts being complete train wrecks, whizzing through life barefoot, disheveled and insane when, in fact, it’s often the opposite. Addiction can look like anything. It can look happy and healthy and productive and loving and kind and a hard worker.
The Best Parts About Being In A Relationship
When you’re in a relationship with someone, you’re allowed to really lean on them for emotional support. As sad as it sounds, you can only rely on your friends for so much before they start to feel a little suffocated.
Being A Hot Mess In Your Twenties Isn’t Worth It
I feel regretful now when I read my earlier writings where I was like, “OMG, do all the coke and make all the mistakes!” That was irresponsible of me. That was me just wanting to justify MY mistakes.
5 Things That Will Make Any Normal Person Go Insane
I don’t know how people get others to fall in love with them because whenever I have a crush on someone, I am an absolute idiot. I am the worst possible version of myself. I wish at certain points I could just whisper into my crush’s ear and be like, “Please just stick around. I swear I get better. Hold on just one more second!”
5 Things You Should Never Do To Your Crush
Understanding the art of self-disclosure will get you far with your crush. Trust me. Whenever you’re worried that you’ve said too much, chances are you probably have, so zip it! Leave the ugly stuff till later when they’re already trapped and can’t leave you!
You Don’t Have To Be Friends With Everybody
We live in an age where we feel guilt whenever we have to cut someone off but the reality is that some relationships do need to die, some people do need to be unfollowed and defriended. We aren’t meant to be this tethered to the people in our past.
5 Signs You Definitely Don’t Have Your Shit Together
My euphoria was short-lived, however, when I realized that I would actually have to put the duvet cover on my new comforter. This is probably the least favorite chore for everybody but to me, it’s an impossible task. I tried for an hour to get that comforter into the diva duvet but the two weren’t having it.
7 Reasons Why Dating Is The Absolute Worst
Finding out if someone is going to love you or not takes time and lots of cash. Just to power through some awkward dates, I’ve had to gulp down four glasses of wine AKA spend forty dollars on someone I didn’t even like! Rude.
The 7 Most Unappealing Qualities In People
Competitive people are the worst for so many reasons but one of the major ones is that they’re always trying to one-up their friends. “Oh, you got a boyfriend? Well, last night, I went on two dates with two different people and at the end of it, they both wanted to be my boyfriend so…”
8 Insane Thoughts I Have On A First Date
I’m going to casually mention an ex-boyfriend just so he knows that other people have loved me before.
Do You Want To Make Out With Me?
It’s not like I want to marry or date you. I just want to kiss you. There’s something about our dynamic that intrigues me and I don’t think I’ll figure it out until we kiss.