Rob Fee
10 Things Everyone Secretly Wishes You’d Stop Doing On Facebook
If a picture says that if you share it with 30 friends you’ll be able to see your ex-girlfriend’s inbox, it’s a lie.
The 25 Best Kanye West Songs Of All Time
If this was The Walking Dead and I had to pick 25 Kanye songs to rescue, these guys would be on my lifeboat.
You Can Shut Vine Down Because No Video Will Ever Be Funnier Than This
This will be the greatest six seconds of your day.
30 Little-Known Reasons Why North Dakota Is Cooler Than Your State
After spending an incredible week in Fargo, North Dakota and learning all about the local culture, we thought it would only be fair if we shared some of the surprising facts about the Peace Garden state with all of you.…
10 People You Meet In A Midwestern Bar
Three girls, dressed up in a way that would make it seem they’re only really there to meet guys. But the truth is, they’re only really there to text in a circle.
Wait Until You See What American Airlines Told Me When They Lost My Luggage
I’m just glad they don’t have the same set of rules for transporting people.
12 Ridiculously Bad Hip Hop Songs We All Secretly Love
It may not even be a secret, but you know you love all of these.
18 Midwesterners On The One Thing People Get Wrong About The Midwest
“For some reason there’s a feeling of superiority people that aren’t from this area feel over people who live here. It’s like, just because you grew up in a different part of the county doesn’t make you any better or any worse than anyone else.”
20 Hilarious Tweets To Make You Feel Better About Skipping The Gym
We both know you don’t want to be exercising right now, so to make you feel better about getting Wendy’s instead of doing Crossfit, here are 20 hilarious tweets about avoiding exercise at all costs.
7 Life Lessons We Could All Learn From The Midwest
In the Midwest you work hard, but work isn’t life. Work is what provides the means to spend time with loved ones or to enjoy yourself. Getting to the top at any cost isn’t the priority and rightfully so because there’ll always be someone that has a bigger house, or more money, or a bigger television.
If You Care About Your Boyfriend, You Will Never Buy Him A Greeting Card
Have you ever bought your boyfriend a present and thought that you should also buy a greeting card? Let me warn you, you don’t want to do this.
60 Songs From The 70s That Will Instantly Put You In A Good Mood
Everyone could use a little more Stevie Wonder in their day.
9 Insane Midwestern Foods You Have To Try At Least Once
So Lance Pauker and I are in Fargo, North Dakota for the week to check out — and share — all the culture the city has to offer.
This May Be The Funniest Autocorrect Prank You Will Ever See
Rarely will a prank play out this magically.
The Best Horror Movie Of The Year For The Last 40 Years
If the Oscars had a horror category, here’s who would have won for the last 40 years.
A Harry Potter Infographic For People Who Love Harry Potter
Can you ever have too much Harry Potter in your life?
20 Signs You Grew Up In A Small Country Town
You didn’t have Blockbuster Video or Hollywood Video to rent movies. It was either some weird name like “Silverscreen Movies” or a random store where you could rent movies and also go tanning.
The 90s Pop Playlist That Will Instantly Make Your Day Better
Sometimes you need a cup of coffee to start your morning off properly, but other times a perfect playlist is all it takes to drastically improve everything about your day.