May These Times Teach Us What Truly Matters
May these times give us the push we needed to get things off our chests or apologize or express how we're really feeling.
Rania Naim
May these times teach us how to be more loving, more forgiving and more compassionate. May these times teach us what’s important and what really matters. May these times teach us that life is fleeting and things can change in the blink of an eye so sometimes it’s better to say those words we’ve been dying to say, to make that call, to say I’m sorry or say I love you. May these times give us the push we needed to get things off our chests or apologize or express how we’re really feeling.
May these times teach us not to take anything for granted; our family, our friends, our jobs and our own well-being. May these times remind us to take care of our bodies, our minds and compel us to change the things in our lives that disturb our inner peace or bring us down. May these times remind us of how important it is to have a home we want to go back to, people we want to stay stuck at home with and may it remind us that we can’t keep running away forever, that we can never run away from the truth, that eventually we will have to rest our head on our pillows and think of what really matters without the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. May these times force us to make long-term changes instead of chasing temporary happiness or instant gratification.
May these times teach us that God still has the power, the final word, the magic wand no matter how in control of our lives we think we are. May it remind us that there’s always a higher power we need to talk to or pray to when things fall apart when we don’t know what the future holds, when we’re scared to death and no other human being can reassure us or make us feel safe or protect us. May these times teach us that sometimes faith is the only answer and the only way to get through the things we can’t control or understand. May these times remind us how to believe or hope against all odds just because we have faith that somehow when the hurricane is over, the rainbow will follow.
May these times teach us how to slow down, how to take a break, how to stop running around in circles because at the end of the day, when we were faced with a crisis, everything stopped, everything came to a halt, everything we thought couldn’t wait was postponed, the deadlines disappeared, the rules changed, the priorities were shifted and the show stopped altogether.
May these times teach us that there’s nothing in this life that’s truly guaranteed and maybe this is all one big slap on the face for us to remember what’s truly important and what’s worth our time. May these times teach us how to spend our coming days being kind to one another, being more loving, more accepting and more compassionate. May these times teach us a better way to live and may it push us to reflect on the meaning of our lives and how to make the rest of our days truly count.