Nikki Halsted

NJ Kaiulani. Modern astrologer. Follow IG/TikTok for more content.
Articles by
Nikki Halsted
Here Are 6 Things We Can Expect To Happen With The 2022 Jupiter Neptune Conjunction In Pisces
Ugh—another major outer planet conjunction? When does this all end? Someone help!
This Is What Your Zodiac Sign’s Ruling Insect Says About You
Note some of the insects used may get a bad rep today because of western aversion to them. However, remember ancient indigenous cultures didn’t fear them and had a special place for each on the insect totem.
These Are The 8 Lunar Personality Types, Based On The Moon Phase You Were Born On
Born on the New Moon? Then it’s likely you resonate with your Sun sign because, well, they’re the same!
Here’s How You Can Understand Your Body Clock, Based On Medical Astrology
Our solar system is literal clockwork that represents different units of time.
This Is The Pluto Generation You Belong To, Based On Astrology
Oh, how generational beef has always been the hallmark to our hyper-competitive society. First it was Boomers versus Millennials. Now it’s Millennials versus Zoomers.
Here’s 11 Things We Can Expect To Happen In 2021, According To Astrology
I must assure you that 2021 will be much more promising than 2020 by a long shot, though this upcoming new year won’t come without its challenges and painful revelations.
Here’s Everything You Need To Know About You Aquarius Saturn Return, Based On The 12 Houses
If your Saturn is in Aquarius, the infamous quarter life crisis has arrived!
Here’s How Mars Retrograde In Aries Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Everything we experience during Mars retrograde will be our call to action for how we move forward after everything that 2020 has put us through. The house Mars is transiting will determine where these blockages are for you personally.
Here’s What Your Rising Sign Says About Your Appearance, According To Medical Astrology
Through the lens of medical astrology, what manifests on the inside surfaces on the outside.
Here’s How The 2020 Venus Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Venus—the planet of beauty, love, and all things which we value— begins retrograde course in 21° Gemini on May 13 until June 25.
Ranking The Zodiac Signs By Who Is The Most Likely To Be A Serial Killer
Ahhhh, serial killers— the most culturally fascinating taboo we can’t help but obsess over.
Here’s How The Mercury Retrograde In Pisces Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
No need to freak out, hide under the bed, or call into work.
Here’s How Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
This retrograde is nothing to fear, actually.
9 Major Holidays That Correspond With Their Zodiac Season
So if astrology isn’t real… then why are holidays corresponding with their zodiac season? Hmmmm?
Here’s How The Leo New Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Gemini (May 21-June 20): Magnetism on fleek.
Here’s How The Mercury Retrograde In July Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
The keynote for the retrograde is this: Not needing something actually attracts it to you.
Here’s Each Zodiac Sign’s June 2019 Horoscope
Astrologically speaking, June is a pretty chill month we should each be taking advantage of to its fullest extent.
Here’s How The 2019 Retrograde Season Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
The theme all signs are experiencing during this retrograde season is the little habits and behaviors we apply to our lives daily and how they either grow or hinder our labor’s fruits.