Michelle Marshall
A self-proclaimed dreamer, navigating life through my words.
Articles by
Michelle Marshall
10 Life Lessons You Learn After Turning 30
Rejection is a form of fear that stops us all from being our best selves and reaching our full potential.
5 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Giving Away Your Power
You spend too much time procrastinating
5 Reasons You Seriously Need To Stop Looking For Love
Love is all around us and it is up to you to fully acknowledge this fact. Sometimes we are so consumed with the love that we don’t have that we forget to be thankful for the love that is in our lives every day.
8 Little Ways A Libra Woman Will Capture Your Heart
She is chill AF.
8 Real Reasons Why She Is Guarded
She is guarded because she fears that you will see the real woman behind the brave face.
10 Honest Truths That You’re Growing As A Person
You are learning to say no. You are becoming more assertive and learning to say no to the things that no longer benefit you.
20 Of The Best Quotes To Empower Single Women Everywhere
‘If you’re not happy single, you won’t be happy taken. Happiness comes from within, not from men.’
Why Feeling Lost In Life Is Probably The Best Thing That Can Happen To You
Maybe we all need to feel lost at times in order to face the fear head on, so that we can come out at the other end with a growing confidence and a little more resilience.
30 Perfect Quotes To Remind You Exactly Why You Fell In Love
“Falling in love is easy. Falling in love with the same person repeatedly is extraordinary.” — Crystal Woods
10 Things The INFP You’re Dating Wants You To Know
INFPs are fiercely loyal.
15 Reasons An Independent Woman Makes The Best Girlfriend
She is ambitious.
20 Reasons Why Travelling Should Be A Priority In Your 20’s
The world is an amazing place, full of wonders that will take your breath away. You should be out there seeing the world in all its glory.