Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

If You Let Me In, I Will Love You So Deeply

When I kiss you, I’ll kiss all of me onto your lips. I’ll kiss you with heart, with passion. I’ll kiss you like no other woman has. I promise you’ll see the difference.

All The Ways I Want To Kiss You

I’ll kiss your temples. The little divots where I know your mind is spinning. I will kiss away your headaches, your worries, your fears. I will kiss you into calm.

I Want Imperfect

I want someone who’s going to see me for me, us for us, and work through all that crap to have a love that means something rather than just looks nice.

I’m Still Learning How To Love

Sometimes you fall, and sometimes you fall hard. Sometimes you love, and sometimes you find yourself in love. And then, suddenly your level of love has even deeper, uncharted layers.