Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
This Is Why She’s Pulling Away As You’re Getting Closer
Maybe you took her by surprise, suddenly coming into her life with feelings she’s not quite ready for. Maybe she just needs everything to slow down.
Maybe This Is Why I’ll Never Stop Loving You
I traded my selfishness for the beat of your heart. I exchanged freedom for the feeling of your fingertips in mine. And I didn’t regret it one minute. I still don’t.
Your ‘Forever Person’ Isn’t Going To Be Perfect (And This Is A Good Thing)
Because love isn’t about perfection. It’s about finding a person to share your broken heart with.
You Are More Than An Addict, And Stronger Than Your Addiction
Being an addict doesn’t make a person any less of a person, any less of a beautiful beating heart in need of love.
Don’t Ever Be Sorry For Being The Girl Who Cares Too Much
In this world of half-love and fear of commitments, in this world of ‘just talking’ and having a ‘thing’ rather than dating, in this world of people skirting around their emotions—you are perfectly enough.
I Want To Take Things Slow With You
I don’t want to get lost in the taste of you; I want to get lost in your mind.
We Are Two Completely Different People, But Damn Our Love Is Beautiful
Maybe it doesn’t matter if we are two polar opposites, that we love so differently, and that we have different ways of thinking. Maybe what matters is that we love with all we have.
I Don’t Want Perfect, I Just Want You
I want all the ways that you’re human—your sins, your inconsistencies, your fears, your failures. I want all of you, the real you, and I want to love you fully.
40 Small Ways You Can Be A Light In Someone’s Darkness
Engage in conversation with someone you just met.
You Are Not Unlovable
You’re not unlovable just because your past relationships haven’t worked out. You’re not unlovable because the wrong person didn’t love you back or because you haven’t found ‘the one’ yet.
11 Memories You Can Only Make If You Grew Up In A Close Family
Family dinner was always a must. Everyone home at the same time, everyone talking about their days, everyone fighting over the dessert.
It Doesn’t Matter Where You’ve Been, It Matters How You Grow
We can’t let what has happened to us destroy us and our futures. We can’t be limited by the ways we’ve been hurt, we’ve been let down, or the ways we’ve let ourselves down.
I Just Want To Know That You’re In This For Real
I want to know that I matter to you, too. That this matters. That a potential ‘us’ matters, and you aren’t just toying with my emotions.
I Promise You’ll Find Better Than The Man Who Hurt You
If he hurt you, he doesn’t deserve you. It’s as simple as that.
One Day You’ll Find Someone Who Loves You For You
Everything you do, he’ll find simply endearing—no matter how silly, or frustrating, or funny, or downright strange—he’ll love all the little things about you, because they make you, you.
Wherever You Are Today, Know That You Are Loved
You are going to have to face your demons. You are going to have to deal with people that bring you down. You are going to have to confront racism and sexism and just plain hatred, but you know what? You will continue to rise. Because you are strong. And you are loved.
21 Mistakes To Make In Your Twenties (That Will Actually Change Your Life For The Better)
Date a girl/guy that’s completely wrong for you. And learn what you deserve.
My Feelings For You Are Real, And I Hope That’s Enough
I want to figure out who you are and what you love, and maybe, just maybe, see if you could ever love me.