Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
Read This If You Are Fiercely Independent But Also Ridiculously Emotional
You are continually looking for ways to be even more self-sufficient, to carve your own life path, to do what you want. But you also love. And love terribly, beautifully, fully.
You May Feel Broken Right Now, But You Are Not Weak
But this is what you do when you are broken. You pick yourself up, piece by piece. You re-learn the strongest parts of yourself and fight until you break through.
You Won’t Find Yourself Unless You Allow Yourself To Be Selfish
To be selfish means to know who you are as a person and what you need. It means taking the time to do things that you want to do. It means not changing your plans, your thoughts, your words, your actions, yourself for the sake of someone else.
20 Women On What It’s Like When You Finally Find The Real Deal (Not ‘Puppy Love’)
“Puppy love is this constant need for validation and communication that the other person is into you. With real love you can sit in the same room together for HOURS and not say a word to each other and you know that everything is alright.”
16 Rules For Falling In Love With A Writer
Forgive us. For the snippets of you that find their way into a plot line, for the secrets you’ve whispered that somehow made it to the page. We’re passionate about both things—our words and you—sometimes we can’t keep them apart.
10 Ways Women Raised By Sensitive Fathers Love Differently
Your father has never been afraid to show emotion. You’ve learned from his tears that crying does not make you weak, but shows your incredible strength.
20 Weird Things That Inevitably Happen To Every Girl Who Kicks It With The Bros
You are the guinea pig of their tragic pickup lines and attempts at flirting. So for the love of God (and hope for all the females out there) help them figure out what to say and how to text.
50 Simple, Positive Things You Need To Do For Yourself After A Breakup
1. Get a haircut. A wow-you-look-amazing haircut to chop off the dead ends and start completely fresh.
This Is What Is Left When You Lose Someone You Love
I don’t know, exactly,
what it is I want to hear.
But I know I like
the sound of your voice,
the way you grab my chin, and pull
my face to yours, stare
into my eyes.
12 Legit Reasons You’ll Actually Miss Your Sh*tty College Apartment
It was the epitome of your pre-adulting phase.
14 Successful Women In Male-Dominated Fields Reveal Their Approach To Killing It At ‘A Man’s Job’
Kill them with competence.
19 Instagrams That Prove Channing Tatum And Jonah Hill Are BFF Goals
They’ll do just about anything for each other. (Like sticking their hands down each others’ throats).
15 Signs You’re A Woman Who Dresses For Herself And No One Else
You only have one rule for getting dressed.
And the rule is that there aren’t any.
15 Things You Need To Know Before Dating A College Athlete
We don’t really know how to dress for dates—do we rock the t-shirt and jeans (that’s basically dressing up since all we wear is sweats), or do we go all out since we always look like we’re headed to the gym?!! Unanswered questions.
21 Inspiring Quotes From Feminist Icon Adrienne Rich That Will Challenge Your Perspective On Life
“The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.”
12 Ways Athletes Love Differently
We won’t quit. On you, on the relationship, or in an argument.
Bless Up: 12 Times DJ Khaled Inspired Us To Get Our Sh*t Together
When he rocked his ‘Another One’ sandals to remind us that there’s always another thing to be thankful for.
20 Reasons Why Your Dog Is All You Really Need After A Breakup
A built in, cost effective security system: No need for a man when you have a dog that will fend off any intruders, burglars, or unwanted exes. (Clutch.)