Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
Your Future Self Will Thank You For Taking So Many Pictures
Photographs are like time capsules that let you flit, for a second, between what was and what is.
Don’t Tell Me You Love Me
Not when we’re quiet and tangled in bed sheets, not in the shadow of a porch light, and not in a silent car on the highway.
This Is How A Woman Gets A Man (According To Men)
“Make the first move. You’re the one approaching him?! That’s sexy. He’ll definitely be into you.”
I Don’t Want To Be The Bigger Person Today
No. I want to stick out my tongue like a child and roll my eyes when you speak. I want to call you out on your B.S. and shout your lies to the entire room.
Right Here Is Exactly Where You’re Meant To Be
As I watched my friends tease one another, spill drinks, talk, and toast this random, insignificant Thursday night, I felt a sense of peace.
8 Tiny (But Profound) Changes That Will Brighten Your Living Space Just In Time For Spring
Add some green plants. (Ones you won’t kill right away.)
6 Simple Ways To Clean Up Your Love Life
Say deuces to the f*ckboys.
If You Hate Men, Read This
To truly hate means that you have truly loved, and is hate really any less emotional, less heart-gripping, and less passionate than love?
30 Things I Wish I Could Say To My 18-Year-Old Self
Stop worrying so much about who likes you or doesn’t like you.
10 Reasons Everyone Needs A Pisces Man In Their Life
The Pisces is the most giving of the signs. They are givers of gifts, of attention, of thoughts, and of love.
A Letter To My Grandmother Who Left This Earth Too Soon
I never got to ask you what you were afraid of, what your dreams were, if you were happy.
This Artist Translated Malay Proverbs Into Drawings With An App On His Phone, And They Are Beautiful
“The sea’s depth can be predicted, but no one can know what’s in someone’s heart.”
30 Telltale Signs Your Sister Is Actually Your Soulmate
You’re each other’s first friends. And first enemies. Which has totally made your bond unbreakable.
10 Things You Can Love About A Person That Have Absolutely Nothing To Do With Appearance
The way or she speaks. Is it quiet or loud? Do they speak with their hands or with their eyes? When they talk about something they’re passionate about, does the pace of their speech quicken?
To The Boyfriend I Planned My Life With, This Is For You
Your stubbornness matched mine in ways that always made me question how we even ended up together. But we did, somehow.
Yes, It Is Definitely Possible To Be Friends With Your Ex
Over time, after growing apart, it’s definitely possible to care about someone you used to love on a friendship-level. Personally, I don’t know how you couldn’t.
I Want Your Monday Mornings
The mornings when your head is spinning with alarms, deadlines, and to-do lists. That’s when I want you the most.
10 Reasons Why The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl Who Loves ‘Too Much’
She’ll love your darkest places. The unforgiveable places. The places and memories and regrets and thoughts you keep hidden in the shadowy corners of your mind—she will love those.