Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
14 Sure Signs You’re The Girl With Too Many Feelings
You are totally capable of crushing on two people at once. Because the feels…duh.
I Won’t Apologize For My Heart
I will not apologize for this stupid heart, this heart that knows better, but doesn’t care. This heart that sees the good in people. This heart that believes.
Sweet Girl, These Are The 13 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Saying Yes
Does he listen with his eyes?
Today I’ve Decided That I Really Don’t Care What You Think Of Me
There are so many things you just can’t control in life. What others think of you is, unfortunately, one of those things.
To The Woman Who Loved Me Like A Daughter
You are the woman who built me up, who kept me strong, who took my mother’s place when she couldn’t be there. Who has always loved me as if I was one of your own, and some days made me really believe I was.
To My Fellow Women, Please Don’t Settle
Don’t settle for anything less than excitement and jumping beans in the pit of your stomach. Nothing less than forever. Nothing less than knowing, beyond on a doubt that this is love.
Maybe We’re A Lot Less Complicated Than We Think
We think we have to be women and men who are tough on the outside and soft on the inside, who act one way but think another. We believe this makes us attractive, to be complicated. Makes us worth the chase, worth the discovery of what’s beneath the layers. But maybe we really don’t need the layers at all.
36 Definitions Of Love, According To Urban Dictionary
“Nature’s way of tricking people into reproducing.”
When It’s Time To Leave The Place You’ve Called Home
As I watched the lights, I couldn’t help but cry. Cry for the sounds and the absence of them. Cry for the places I’d been and called home. Cry for the hands I’d held, the hearts I’d broken, and the people I would one day leave behind.
10 Things You Need To Hear If Your Significant Other And Your Family Don’t Get Along
Despite the odds, love conquers all.
You Are My Home
You are my security, my savior. You are what I’ve always had, always cared for. Yet despite that, I still wish for you, day after day.
17 Signs You’re Going Through A Major Quarter-Life Crisis
You have suddenly started to question everything. From your college major to your friend group to where you should live post-graduation and even as far as whether or not you’ve recently picked up a gluten allergy??!? Could that be a thing??
This Is What You Need To Remember If You’re Trying To Make A Difference With Your Passions
Even if it seems like the entire world is against you, even if some days you feel purposeless, even if sometimes you stare at the clock on the wall and wonder what it all means. What you are doing matters.
This Is How A Man Gets A Woman (According To Women)
“Treat me like a human being rather than a romantic conquest.”
14 Reasons Why A Woman Who Is Close With Her Father Will Make The Best Type Of Wife
She understands the complexities of the male mind.
25 Things You Can Relate To If You’re The Type Of Person Who (Stupidly) Cares What Others Think Of You
If someone starts a nasty rumor about you, you get suuuuuper anxious because WTF THAT’S NOT TRUE AND I CAN’T LET THE WORLD THINK THAT ABOUT ME!!!!!!
It’s Okay To Love Broken People
We are all broken, and that’s strangely beautiful.
I Only Want You When You’re Sober
I want your eyes open and bright, not red-rimmed and disguised with a loopy smile. Not a body slumped on a couch and an arm draped heavy across my shoulders. Not a kiss you won’t remember, still wet on my lips.