Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
I’m Still Learning How To Love
Sometimes you fall, and sometimes you fall hard. Sometimes you love, and sometimes you find yourself in love. And then, suddenly your level of love has even deeper, uncharted layers.
7 Subtle Signs She Wants A Second Date
She keeps smiling like a crazy person.
My Life Has Been Blessed By You
When I close my eyes and think about how the past years have gone, I can’t wrap my head around a life without you in it.
I Care So Deeply For You, But I Won’t Cross Boundaries
You are another woman’s man.
This is of utmost importance.
9 Ways To Battle Your Workplace ‘Senioritis’
Never underestimate the value of a power snack.
I Can’t Seem To Find The Words To Explain How Much I Love You
If I were asked to define you,
I wouldn’t have an answer.
I Can’t Promise To Be Perfect, But This Is Who I Promise To Be
But I promise to be the girl that never stops trying.
When You Date A Woman Who Knows How To Love
When you date a woman who knows how to love, you realize what you’ve been missing.
You Should Date A Girl Who Says ‘Screw The Rules’ And Jumps In With Both Feet
We create rules for how people should fall in love, what love should look like, how two people should feel. But I say f*ck that.
You Need To Stop Worrying About Becoming And Just Be
Be in the moment, in the now, in the next step.
I’m Sorry, But I Can’t Lie To My Heart About You
Maybe it’s timing, maybe it’s the circumstance, maybe it’s you, or maybe it’s me. But right now, I can’t look at you and say you’re the one I want. I can’t close my eyes and make something out of the space between us.
FYI High School Grads: The Time Of Your Life Isn’t Ending, It’s Just Beginning
Listen seniors: This isn’t the best it’s going to be.
Date The Girl That Drives You Crazy
Love is meant to be two completely independent people somehow finding a way to mesh into one another’s lives. It’s supposed to be confusing and difficult. It’s supposed to be messy. It’s supposed to be real.
I Promise To Do All The Little Things For You
Sometimes I think real love lies in the little things. In the small ways we love each other, choose each other day after day after day.
15 People Explain What It Means To Be A Strong Woman
She’s a fighter.
45 Of The Most Beautiful Love Lyrics In Country Music
“You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete,
And as long as there’s a breath in me, I’ll make yours just as sweet.”
Just So You Know, You Don’t Have To Be Completely Whole To Fall In Love
There’s no way to know exactly who you are, to love exactly who you are before getting into a relationship because you’re not just a one-dimensional being.
Please, Don’t Blame Yourself For The Loss Of A Loved One
You are not a bad person because the one you love lost their battle. There is nothing you could have done differently to change the course of life, to change God’s plan, to change the path we are traveling on.