Mariem Sherif

An Egyptian medical student who believes that words can heal a wound and that good food and good books can fix two thirds of our problems.
Articles by
Mariem Sherif
This Is Your Reminder That You Deserve To Be Chosen Too
Love works in mysterious ways. Sadly, you do not always fall for the right ones.
The The Ones Who Have Yet To Find Love—Love Will Find You
Love is just around the corner.
This Is For The One Who Stayed
This is for all the times you didn’t choose the easy way out and all the times you decided to fix up what broke.
How To Get Over Someone Who Was Never Yours To Begin With
It is okay to want to make a home out of a person. This was not your mistake. The mistake is forgetting that you are a home too and you should return to yourself every night and feel just as safe.
You Should Date Someone Boring
I hope you learn how to love someone for the way he likes to drink his tea or for the way he pulls an effort to show off something he has done.
You Made Me Forget That I Deserve Love Too
The mistake was that I wanted you to love me so much I forgot to love myself.
I Feel So Lonely
Your phone doesn’t ring. Social media is basically the only way you get in touch with others. The only way to show them that you’re alive. You believe that if you deactivated your online accounts no one would notice your absence.
The Scientific Explanation Behind Why You Unconsciously Hate Yourself
Ever asked yourself that? Why some people hate themselves so much or why you are one of those people yourself?
Read This If You Feel Lonely And Loveless
Someone out there, like you, is waiting for another who wants to talk about favorite books.
I Don’t Want To Forget You, I Just Don’t Want To Remember You Anymore
Maybe I don’t want to stop loving you
Maybe I don’t even want to love anyone else
This Is Why I Want To Learn To Take Things Slowly In Life
You see, if you really want to enjoy something it has to take its time.
This Is Why I Wanted Us To End
I wanted us to end because part of me knew it that I deserve someone who is more than an almost lover.
10 Signs Your Partner Is Highly Toxic And You Should Leave Them Immediately
I don’t believe in the whole “fall for someone who can make you happy” or “fall for the one who does this and that”. Somehow I think you can’t really tell someone who to fall for.
This Is How You Learn To Move On When Your Heart Has Been Broken
You learn that it’s okay to be afraid, to feel hurt, to not want to go to work, to feel disappointed and to drag yourself all around like you’re barely looking for a reason to live.
Your Brokenness Is Beautiful
You know that delicate heart of yours, I know it has known suffering. But I saw it, I saw it as it looked sufferings in the eye and dared to survive them all and believe me, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.
When You Don’t Know Where Home Is
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.