Leena Lomeli

Featured writer since 2014 | Mama | Lover of life, health & growth.

Let It Hurt So You Can Let It Heal

We cannot move forward until we honor exactly where are at. We have to feel this moment in order to leave it. Once we feel it, we can release it and we can move into our next moment. So let it hurt, but then let it heal.

This Is What Love Should Look Like

Love is finding part of your soul in someone else. Love is gratitude. Love is thanking someone for their body and existence every single day

Happiness Is Not Found, It’s Created

We acquire happiness when we meet ourselves where we are, forgiving ourselves for where we have been, and having complete and utter faith in where we will go.

When Love Leaves

When love leaves, let it go. Find the inner faith inside of your bones that ache to become hope.

5 Girls Open Up About How Abortion Changed Their Life Forever

“I was 13 when I moved here without my parents and I ended up getting pregnant by someone who was 18 that went to the same high school as me. I couldn’t have the baby, my family was still struggling in another country and I just couldn’t face having a child so young in such a bad place.”