Lance Pauker

18 Emo Songs That All Dudes Secretly Love

Sometimes, us men go great lengths to deny that we’re able to feel feelings. The pent up repression varies by man, but those of us unable to fully express our compassion on the reg tend to have similar-sounding soft spots.

25 Signs You’re Underemployed

3. You’ve descended into depths that in the not so distant past, you swore you’d never go to. I am of course talking about endorsing people on LinkedIn.

The 25 Best Coming Of Age Movies Of The Last 25 Years

As we’ve grown into the sometimes functional human beings that we currently are, we’ve come across certain films that have truly “spoken to us”–that focus on the sorts of issues that we can identify with all too well. Here are some of the finest from the past quarter century:

The 8 Types Of Girlfriends You’ll Date In Your 20s

She’s the quintessential hot girl that many Bro-types tend to disparage; partially because the stereotypes are spot on, but partially due to the deep seated frustration/jealously that comes with never being able to land one of these Real Princesses of Actual Society.

The 8 Types of Friends That Will Change Your Life After College

These courtships tend to flood themselves with awkward pauses, financial bracket litmus tests, and plenty of overzealous drink slam-downs–emphasizing the gravitas that is the collective struggle of dealing with their significant other, or socially opaque boss.