Koty Neelis

Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.

16 Things To Know Before Dating An INFJ

14. They will very rarely initiate anything. INFJs prefer when other people make the initial contact when it comes to dating. Asking for a number, making plans for a first date – these things will have to be done by you.

17 Things You’ll Always Miss About Your Ex-Best Friend

9. Inside jokes no one else will EVER be able to understand. You try and make those jokes now and your current friends might laugh along but you know they just don’t get it. You and your ex-bff basically had a secret language combined of inside jokes and random references.

18 Signs You’re A Highly Sensitive Person

Sometimes the world becomes too much, it’s too overwhelming, and you must escape. Your head is the best place for this because of your highly imaginative brain you’re able to create vibrant inner lives that flourish when you’re going through a rough time.

17 Things You Stop Caring About The Closer You Get To 30

You stayed in relationships too long or at a job that sucked just because you were too worried about the potential side effects. Now you’re so much more comfortable with letting go and seeing what the possibilities could be in the aftermath.

21 Ways Creative People Keep Themselves Inspired

They find ways to recharge. They curl up with a good book and a cup of tea on a rainy day or indulge in an afternoon of naps. Taking a day to do their own thing allows them to recharge and refocus their energy.