Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

Here’s How Each Zodiac Sign Can Effectively Shut Down Anxiety

Gemini: You’re convinced that if anyone sees the ‘other’ side of you – the one that is not lively, joy-filled, and bubbly every second of every day – that they won’t ever love you or want to spend time with you. This is causing you an intense amount of discomfort and stress for no reason at all. Stop bottling all of your feelings up and trust that you have enough good people in your life who just want you to be yourself, whoever that is today.

This Is Why People Keep Breaking Up With You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aquarius: It’s important to you that you maintain your independence and your sense of self in your relationships, and that’s fantastic. But you get so caught up in focusing on that, that you often unintentionally force yourself to be detached and disconnected from the other person, believing that this is the ‘healthy’ way to fall in love.

16 Everyday Ways He Shows You He Actually Loves You (That You’re Not Noticing)

He understands that typical romantic gestures (flowers, chocolates, etc) can be nice every once in a while, but he really tries to show you he loves you in more down-to-earth kinds of ways – heating up your car for you in the winter, calling your siblings on their birthdays, offering to keep you company on your trip to the pharmacy. The kinds of things that never seem noteworthy in the moment, but that build up over time into the kind of bricks that strong relationships are made out of.

For Anyone Whose Heartbreak Is Keeping Them Awake At Night

It’s normal that you find yourself punching your pillow at two in the morning, feeling frustrated that the person who broke your heart has also found their way into the one time of your 24-hour day that your mind is supposed to be freed from thinking about them

This Is What You Need To Do Before You Fall In Love

Understand that it is possible to love being alone, instead of just trying to survive it. Understand also that even if you eventually find the most perfect person in the world for you, you still have to learn how to be alone.