Kim Quindlen
I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.
Here Is The Non-Physical Trait That People Find Most Attractive About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Scorpio: Your strong confidence and your ability to be so certain and unapologetic about who you are.
Here’s Why People Find You So ‘Hard To Get,’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aquarius: Because you’re very careful and cautious with your emotions, and it takes an incredibly special person for you to be willing to open up and let go of your typical sense of detachment and aloofness when it comes to relationships.
This Is The New Year’s Resolution That Will Change Your Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries (March 21st to April 19th) Putting serious and conscious thought into every decision that you make.
17 Things To Let Go Of In 2017
Let go of toxic thoughts, toxic things, toxic people, your own toxic behavior. Focus on being kind, on putting more goodness into the world, on giving and loving and making other people happy and relishing in how happy that makes you in return. Spread love and spread light.
14 People On The Red Flag They Wish They Hadn’t Overlooked In Their Ex
“He was the most selfish person I had ever met, but I liked him so much in the beginning that I let it slide. But that kind of behavior doesn’t ever change, no matter how much they claim to love you.”
17 Changes To Make In Your Love Life In 2017
Stop wasting your time with people who make you feel small, or not good enough, or like you need to change yourself.
Here’s Why Your Best Friend Is Your Best Friend, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Libra: Because when you’re hangry, she’s the one person who can get you to calm down, with or without food.
Here’s The Best Part About Your Personality In One Sentence, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: Your absolute thirst for life and your ability to get excited (and get others excited) about anything, from an everyday trip to the grocery store to a backpacking journey around the world.
21 Comforting Dumbledore Quotes To Make You Feel Slightly Better About How Terrible Everything Is Right Now
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”
17 Things You Should Stop Settling For In 2017
Stop settling for a life of sitting still, of watching other people go after what they want while you sit back because you’re too afraid to try.
19 Stupidly Simple (And Unromantic) Signs That You’ve Found Your Forever Person
A ‘soulmate’ is not a specific enough word to describe them. What’s more accurate is that they are, at all times: your best friend, your sounding board, your partner in crime, your therapist, your mentor, your mentee, your favorite comedian, your favorite person to vent to, and the only person you can fully and totally relax around.
25 Tiny (But Critical) Things You Need To Unlearn In Your Twenties
That you’re the only person in the world who feels crippling self-doubt, anxiety, insecurity, uncertainty, and every other uncomfortable and paralyzing feeling that comes with being a complicated human.
18 Reasons Why People Who Are Forgiving Are Ten Times Happier Than Everyone Else
Because it’s not the same thing as being naive, or being a doormat. What it is is a willingness to learn from the way you’ve been treated, to let it wash over you and then away from you, and to be wary of it in the future but to never let it control you or consume you.
23 Teeny, Tiny Signs You’re Closer To Becoming The Person You’ve Always Wanted To Be
You understand that being busy does not equate to being happy, or being better than someone else.
This Is What Triggers Your Motivation, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: The challenge of a totally blank slate and your desire to see the end result of a project, goal, or assignment that you created completely from scratch.
10 Signs You’re More Successful Than You Think You Are (Even If You Don’t Have Your Dream Career Yet)
You’re constantly making an effort to improve yourself in small ways, because you understand they have a lasting effect.
14 People On The Exact Words Their Partner Said That Made Them Finally End Their Relationship
“Wouldn’t your depression be better if you just tried to be a little happier?”
This Is What Triggers Someone’s Attraction To You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorn: The fact that you can take on any task with seemingly minimal effort and little trepidation, and that you have a very surprising silly side that few people see.