Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

17 Things To Let Go Of In 2017

Let go of toxic thoughts, toxic things, toxic people, your own toxic behavior. Focus on being kind, on putting more goodness into the world, on giving and loving and making other people happy and relishing in how happy that makes you in return. Spread love and spread light.

19 Stupidly Simple (And Unromantic) Signs That You’ve Found Your Forever Person

A ‘soulmate’ is not a specific enough word to describe them. What’s more accurate is that they are, at all times: your best friend, your sounding board, your partner in crime, your therapist, your mentor, your mentee, your favorite comedian, your favorite person to vent to, and the only person you can fully and totally relax around.