January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
The Secret To Escaping The Anxieties Of Real Life, Based On Your Zodiac
Pisces: Allow yourself to be inspired by others
15 Gross Little Things You Do When You’re Finally In A Forever Relationship
Show off your nastiest burps, but know that your partner still adores you
How You Find Success Vs. How You Deal With Failure, According To Your Zodiac
Scorpio: You find success in personal growth and emotional stability vs. Failure can either rock you to your core or give you the boost that you need
What You Constantly Apologize For (And Why You Should Stop), According To Your Zodiac
Libra: You constantly apologize for the fact you are so busy.
The Different Types Of Ghosts That Could Be Haunting You
Poltergeists are ‘noisy ghosts.’ They have the ability to manipulate the physical environment. They can open windows and drawers. They can move chairs and push books off shelves. They can turn on bathtubs and turn off lights. They can slam doors and even start fires.
How You Know It’s Time To Walk Away, According To Your Zodiac
Gemini: It’s time to walk away when your partner not longer makes you feel exhilarated.
The Best Vampire Movies To Make Your Blood Run Cold
Whether you want to watch a brutally violent thriller or a warmhearted romance, there are vampire movies for you to sink your teeth into.
The Best Witch Movies Of All Time (That You Can Watch Right This Second)
Whether you’re getting ready for Halloween (or you’re wishing it was Halloween) here are some of the best witch movies to watch on your laptop tonight.
25 Facts About The Aswang, The Evil Spirit Who Lives Amongst Humans
You could have met an Aswang without even realizing it.
Why Do People Like Anime?
Even though you aren’t watching real people, you will experience real emotions.
18 Facts About The Bunyip, A Cryptic From The Swamps Of Australia
The Bunyip gobbles up children and livestock if they inch too close to the edge of the water. It mainly preys upon women and children in the darkness of the night.
27 Facts About Spring-Heeled Jack, The Killer Who Could Be A Human Or Could Be A Creature
To this day, Spring-Heeled Jack still hasn’t been identified.
The First Date Of Your Dreams, According To Your Zodiac
Taurus: Your ideal first date would be to go to a winery, brewery, or distillery
20 Facts About The Pukwudgie, The Mischievous Creature Who Lurks In Forests
Pukwudgies are commonly found in areas with other forms of paranormal activity. They have been sighted near Fall River, which is close to the home of Lizzie Borden, the axe murderess.
The Key To Rediscovering Your Happiness, According To Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: Re-connect with your inner sense of adventure.
10 Instagram Themes That Will Seriously Make Your Feed Stand Out
If you want an Instagram that is easy on the eyes, and also very fun to create, a pastel theme is for you.
33 Men Reveal The Moment That Made Them Lose Interest In A Woman
“I couldn’t remember a moment when she didn’t have her phone in her hand. Texting and driving. Texting and checking social media pages while at dinner. There wasn’t a single moment that we had that didn’t have to be documented for others to see.”
25+ Golf Puns You Will Never FORE Get
Why did the golfer need new socks? Because there was a hole in one.