January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
50 Thoughtful Last Minute Christmas Gifts For Procrastinators
Like coffee? Subscription box. Board games? Subscription box. Make up? Subscription box.
This Journaling Exercise Is The #1 Way Highly Successful People Achieve Everything They Want
The fact is that the more you are grateful now, the more life will give you to be grateful about in the future.
60 Signs You Already Act Like An Old Lady In Your Twenties
Why are you texting me so late?” — Me, getting a text after 10:00
50 People On Their ‘Bad Gut Feeling’ That Turned Out To Be Right
I went to go eat at a restaurant with my toddler, but something said not to eat there. Decided to just go home and make a meal. The restaurant was on the news later because it caught on fire.
50 Singles Reveal The Red Flag They Shouldn’t Have Ignored At The Start Of Their Relationship
He hated when I wore low-cut shirts because that meant people saw some cleavage.
50 Survival Tips For Living With Your Forever Person
Maintain your outside friendships. It is super easy to start spending every last second together. While at first this seems awesome, a year down the road you’ll seriously regret it if you let your friends fall to the wayside.
The Willingness To Give Up Is The #1 Sign Of A Strong Heart And Clear Mind
Sometimes, you are going to need to walk away from the relationship, the job, the friend that isn’t wrong, but isn’t totally right, either.
50 ‘Street Smarts’ Tips That Could Save You From Attackers And Pickpockets
If you live alone don’t tell people that. Always say you have a roommate.
50 Disturbing Messages Real People Have Received In Letters And Texts
Guy who was my lab partner in high school wrote me a note (complete with picture) that said, “I will kill you and make a sofa out of your skin.” With no context. I still have the note. A few years later he murdered a coworker.
69 Punchlines So Stupid They Are Actually Funny
To be frank, I’d have to change my name.
50 Meaningful Pieces Of Advice From Adults Who Were Depressed As Teenagers
“Who cares if you don’t have your first kiss until you’re 21? Stop putting so much pressure on yourself in life and in school. Take it easy, kiddo.”
50 Signs You Should Agree To A Second Date
If you don’t have to force a smile while talking to them. The conversation is natural so it makes you smile.
50 People Reveal The Exact Moment They Realized They Were Dating A Psychopath
Stabbed herself in the leg, blamed me, and got my ass whopped by her dad.
50 Brutally Honest Pieces Of Advice You Should Follow In Your Twenties
Don’t let compliments get to your head and don’t let insults get to your heart.
50 Ex-Cons Reveal The Bad Habit They’ve Had Trouble Breaking After Being Released From Prison
Realizing I can unlock my own door to go outside. Took me a while to realize that my roommates didn’t have to unlock it to let me out.
50 Red Flags That You Should Drop A Class Without Thinking Twice
They keep stressing that the syllabus could change at any time and that you should check blackboard for updates. Usually means they just threw together a syllabus to appease their department head and knows they won’t be able to actually follow it.
50 Slang Words You Should Steal To Embarrass Your Millennial Daughter
When she gets upset, tell her she’s “being extra.” Side note: it just means you’re overreacting, which she will do after about 2 or 3 of these terms.
50 Puzzling, Unsolved Mysteries Without A Plausible Explanation
“Jayme Closs. 13 year old girl disappears off the face of the planet in the 4 minutes it takes the police to respond to a 911 call from the mother’s cellphone. When they get to the house, mom and dad have been shot dead, dad dying as he opens the door. No sign of assailants or Jayme.”