January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.

50 Signs Of Depression No One Talks About 

Sleeping too little. Laughing just a bit louder and smiling just a bit wider than normal. Eating habits suddenly changing, either overeating or eating too little or suddenly losing interest or finding fault with foods they used to enjoy because everything just tastes bland.

30 Uber Drivers Talk About Their Weirdest, Creepiest Passengers 

I have a female cousin who very briefly drove for Uber and she said one large male passenger smelled her hair by leaning into the front seat, called her “little girl” the whole ride and tried to convince her to change the destination from a bar to the middle of the goddamn woods. She no longer drives for Uber.

What You Hate The Most About Your Own Zodiac Sign

TAURUS: You hate how long you dwell on things. You hold grudges. You miss exes. You have a hard time forgetting about your past. You wish you could stop thinking about yesterday and move on with your future already.