January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
50 Singles On The Most Heartbreaking Reason They’ve Been Rejected
Didn’t get asked out on a second date in college because my “FP” was too high. FP = fat potential.
How Each Zodiac Would Survive A Ghost Encounter
VIRGO: You would try to psychoanalyze the ghost to figure out why it hasn’t crossed over to the other side yet.
25 Signs Your House Is Haunted
Your pet keeps staring at a certain area of the house — or stays far, far away from a certain area of the house — with no explanation.
30 Creepy Disappearance Cases That Will Give You Chills
His body was almost mummified because of the lack of sun, air and moisture. I can’t imagine what the smell was like.
What Matters Most To You In Relationships, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Different people prioritize different things.
How Each Zodiac Will Dump You
Pisces: They’ll try to break up with you several times because they can’t gather the courage to go through with it.
This ‘Social Experiment’ On The Slack App Is The Most Disturbing Thing You’ll Read About All Day
Slackbot might feel advanced sometimes, but I have to remind myself he’s like any other chatbot.
Why No One Likes You When You’re Drunk, Based On Your Zodiac
VIRGO: You lose your filter. You say the first thing that pops into your head without worrying about hurting feelings.
30 Hilarious Replies For When A Cop Asks, ‘Do You Know Why I Pulled You Over?’
“Technically, I pulled myself over.”
How You Should Flirt (And How You Actually Flirt) Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Your flirting could use some work.
Why Having Sex With Him Is A Stupid Idea, Based On His Zodiac Sign
Do yourself a favor and find someone new.
The Harsh Reminder You Need About Your Toxic Ex To Knock Sense Into You
CANCER: He isn’t sorry he hurt you. He’s sorry you’re not around to feed his ego anymore.
50 Ways To Be A Better Boyfriend
Hugs and affection with no ulterior motive. Sometimes I like to be held without feeling like he’s wanting to fuck me.
7 Things I Wish I Knew About FWB Before Sleeping With Him
I wish I realized the phrase I’m not ready for a relationship right now is misleading. It doesn’t mean, if you stick around long enough, he’s going to turn around one day and decide to date you.
The Stupid Thing Each Zodiac Sign Does When They’re Lonely
ARIES – You get a new tattoo, get a new piercing, or dye your hair a different color. You try to change yourself into a different person, one you like better.
33 Annoying Things Introverts Wish Extroverts Would Stop Doing Once And For All
Insist on speaking to me on the phone when it could be easily done by text.
How Each Zodiac Sign Sucks At Love
You suck at communicating your feelings.
50 Facts About Serial Killers That Are Insanely Creepy
Jeffrey Dahmer… towards the end right before he got caught, had so many bodies in his apartment that he ran out of room and stored one victim in his bathtub. He proceeded to shower over him everyday for a month!