January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
12 Reasons Why People Who Have Old Fashioned Standards Are More Magnetizing Than Anyone Else
Well-liked people show more interest in others than they do in themselves – they ask more questions about others than they make statements about themselves.
These Are The 6 Most Toxic Zodiac Couples
To put it simply: Virgos are practical, Geminis are dreamers. This relationship doesn’t work because it’s just an endless stream of mixed messages, confusing signals, and misaligned expectations.
The 5 Most Annoying Types Of People In A Group Chat
We all have at least one friend who’s just dumb when it comes to proper messaging etiquette within group chats.
This Is The Warning Sign That Your Life Is Off Course And You’re In Denial About It, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Cancer: You’re denying how you really feel.
27 Men And Women Share Exactly What Made Their First Kiss Awkward, Sweet, Or Hilarious
What was your first kiss like? Awkward, sweet, terrible, all of the above?
15 Little Ways He’s Confessing His Feelings To (You Without Saying So Explicitly)
He introduces you to his friends, even if he says that you’re just his friend, at first.
This Is The Secret Root Of Your Relationship Problems, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
As a Virgo, your relationship issues will dissolve when you start being a little bit more of a realist about things (and people).
This Is How Old Your Soul Is, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aquarius: You’re like, 75 and trying to make sure you leave a legacy behind.
16 Signs You Actually Have What’s Known As ‘Anxious Depression’
Knowing what you are struggling with specifically can aide in your treatment.
18 Micro-Habits That Are Slowly And Silently Ruining Your Relationships
1. Trying to follow your old “love script.” In other words, comparing what you have to how you think love “should” go. Who should make more money, how you should meet, what they will look like.
Why Underestimated Women Tend To Become The Most Successful
The people you underestimate usually end up becoming super successful in the same way that the “cool kids” end up becoming complacent.
The ‘Good Morning’ Text She Needs From You, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
There is nothing that will get a Gemini off more than knowing that their partner is equally obsessed with them.
This Is What Kind Of Mom You’ll Be, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio mother slightly aggravated.
This Is What Your Ex Was Afraid To Tell You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The phrase “choose your battles wisely” might as well be written in a foreign language to an Aries.
If You Actually Want Your Life To Change, You Need To Stop Being Obsessed With Your Problems
Think about it this way: if you’re the “funny single girl” whose punch line is always about how you’re in a relationship with wine, you’re receiving affirmation for it, and it’s going to make you much less inclined to actually try to find the right relationship.
This Is The Hardest Part Of Loving You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Virgos are actually pretty paranoid people, but nobody ever knows because they maintain the most chill demeanor at all times.
This Is How Each Zodiac Sign Acts When They’re Not Actually Over You
Aries (March 21st to April 19th) They turn into super creepers. Aries are naturally curious individuals, and when someone has piqued their interest, they won’t be able to let go until they completely understand why it didn’t or won’t work.
This Is What Your Soulmate Is Like, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Geminis tend to be so all over the place that their ideal partners are the ones that humble and ground them.