24 People Share Gory Details Behind The Creepiest Craigslist Posts You’ll Ever Read

22. Backyard murder

Alright, so one day my dad decides it would be fun to have a go cart. However we weren’t rich so he says if he can find one for around $30 he would go for it.

Well he finds one on Craigslist and shows up at the guys house and buys the go cart. While he is waiting, he starts looking around and exclaims, “Wow, your neighbor sure has a messy backyard.”

The guys replies, “Yeah, you got a problem with that? We watch out fur each other round here.”

Well my dad finds that weird, but continues the transaction and heads home. The next day we are reading the newspaper, and on the frontpage is an article about a local murder. My dad starts reading further and notices that the address seems familiar. It turns out the body was found in a barrel in that messy backyard. The body wouldn’t fit in the barrel so the murderer cut it up with a chainsaw put it in that barrel and burried it in his backyard.

This is Southern, Indiana

Tldr; Dad bought a go cart on Craigslist. The neighbor had a chainsawed body in a barrel in his backyard.

23. Another crazy purchase story!

My friend asked me to help him pick up a free waterbed from a craigslist post.

I was like, “yeah no prob.” We end up driving to this abandoned farm at the end of a long dirt road. My friend starts talking to this weird guy who brings us over to the bed he put on the listing. Confused, I point out “This isn’t a water bed, its a regular mattress.”

Upon moving it, I notice it has an oil stain and its rather heavy. I look at my friend seeing whether he wants it or wants to bail. He shrugs his shoulders and is like, “whatever a bed is a bed,” and being in college you get whatever you can get your hands on.

While loading it some PVC grey pipes fall out and I notice it has 4 pipes skewering the length of the bed. Confused I ask, “uhhh what are the pipes for?”

The owner looks at me with a maniacal smile and says “that’s for the water.”

At that moment I knew, it was time to leave fast. My friend and I quickly finished loading the bed into the truck and said thanks and left abruptly. We ended up dumping the rotten water soaked oil stained pvc pipe filled mattress in a dumpster on the way home.

24. Risk it for the biscuit?

I saw a posting of someone who wanted a man to come to an undisclosed address (at that point) and come in through the unlocked front door (at a specific time and date) and then stick their penis through a hole in a sheet hung between 2 rooms to receive a blowjob… I assume. I can still not even phantom doing that. Seriously WTF. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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