Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Honestly, I Don’t Know Who I Am Anymore 

It’s always a shock when people comment on how little I’ve changed. It’s weird that they can spot me in a crowd, and recognize me straightaway, when the girl they’re looking at is absolutely nothing like the one they think they knew.

In 2021, Start Making The First Move

Don’t talk yourself out of taking risks that excite you. You don’t want to spend your whole life waiting for the perfect moment to make a move. You don’t want to be a passive player in your own life. 

9 Beautiful Life Lessons From ‘The Good Place’

You’re not perfect. You’re never going to be perfect. However, you can actively try to better yourself. You can put effort into becoming the strongest version of yourself. You can admit that you have flaws and do your best to change them bit by bit, every single day.