33 People Share Their ‘No Sleep’ Stories That You Should Never Read Before Bed

27. My wife almost slept with an incubus

Okay, two stories, maybe related maybe not.

About 6 or so months ago, middle of the night, wife and I are dead asleep. We suddenly both wake up at the same time. Then we hear it. A strange disembodied voice speaking a language we didn’t know, sounded vaguely like arabic, maybe, I don’t speak arabic, but it sounded kind of like arabic does in movies. I jumped up and ran outside thinking someone was standing outside our window. Nothing.

Then last night, totally happened just last night. My wife goes to the restroom, nothing abnormal. I’m sitting here watching youtube videos. Wife comes back several minutes later naked and upset with me. She asks me why I never came back.

She says that I walked into the restroom, seduced her, talked her into sex, and then she asked me to first get her a roll of toilet paper from the other restroom and I never came back.

My internet friends say I almost got cuckolded by an incubus.

28. I saw a demon at the edge of my bed

Know how when you die you see “The white light” and some report the lady or whatever that guides you through.

So I’m laying in bed, wake up, heart racing, died in a dream so I woke up. Except I can’t move. My bodies frozen. I see at the foot of my bed this almost demon like lady in a white dress walking towards me. I thought Well I’m dead, must have had a heart attack in my sleep. This demon lady literatly go inches from my face. Then I could move and it was over.

29. We saw a tiger appear in front of us

Happened during a relative’s wedding. I was around 10-11 at the time and the wedding was at my father’s native place which is in the himalayas. We were a group of same aged kids and were dancing or just fooling around in the wedding procession, those details aren’t that clear to me now.

So it’s night time, there is barely any street lightning or houses on this stretch of the mountain path and we had moved like a 100 yards ahead of the rest of the folks. We turn around a bend in the road which then descended gradually in front of us before taking a 90 degree right turn and ascending gradually. We were all jumping and dancing our way towards the turn when we all stopped about at the same moment.

There is an outline of an animal sitting at the turn resembling a cat. Only it’s too big for it to be one, too big for even a dog. Nobody said anything, we just ran back to the baraat who were still behind the bend in the road. When we passed that spot few minutes later, there was no trace of the said animal. Maybe we just got spooked, but chances are pretty high that it was a tiger.

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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