33 People Share Their ‘No Sleep’ Stories That You Should Never Read Before Bed

9. An invisible creature slammed doors and flicked the lights

I work in a small building with three wings and my office is located in a little back hallway of one of the wings. I share the office with another girl and it’s usually pretty quiet. One evening she and I were the only ones in our wing still there and we both heard a door loudly shut in the hallway. We were both a bit confused and, upon peeking out, I noticed nothing out of the ordinary.

The next two weeks I was staying really late to catch up on hours so I could have a winter break, and I began noticing little noises in the hallway when I was positive nobody was in the building. It sounded like a shoe sliding on the floor. This happened a couple of times.

Earlier in the evenings it would just be me and the janitor, and she started getting really spooked. She said she heard doors slamming in one of the wings even though everybody had left. We investigated one night to find that all of the doors were properly locked, but I noticed that the kitchen light was on, even though the door was locked. The janitor freaked out because she knew she’d turned the light off before locking the door. I also recalled the light being on a couple of nights when i was the only one there. I started to ask around if other people in the building had experienced anything weird like that, and one lady said some of her room decorations would have moved when she came back from the bathroom. And here’s the one that really creeps me out: another lady said that one day she noticed afootprint in the middle of her desk (it’s that black material that shows skin prints pretty easily).

To be honest, I’d rather it be paranormal stuff, because the idea that there’s a person doing all this really creeps me out.

10. Someone stole my whistle from right under me

So I had this whistle that was pretty shit. It was super obnoxious, with this terrible (but very distinctive) sound. It was like the death cry of a goose, followed by a rattling noise. It always hung off a bright orange lanyard, which I’d hook on the door handle of my front door. Every morning, I’d get up and see the awful whistle hanging from my door. Now, right next to my front door was a window that didn’t quite latch- it wasn’t open all the time, but if you pushed on it for long enough, it would give way. One night, it was raining hard as hell. I woke up at 4 am to the sound of banging downstairs. I assumed the wind had blown the window open, and I didn’t want the carpet to get soaked, so I got up and went to close it up again. Sure enough, the window was wide open. As I went to close it, I heard something out the window.

In the distance, I heard the fucking whistle.

It was gone- the lanyard and the whistle were off the handle, and someone was blowing the whistle somewhere out in the storm. I checked the house top to bottom- nothing else was stolen. Just the whistle. I fixed the window.

11. A man stood outside of my house with a knife

My bedroom is on the second floor of the house. There’s no patio/porch/overhang of any kind beneath my windows.

Couple of years ago I was watching TV in bed around 2 AM and heard a louder than usual “animal” sound. Not uncommon to hear squirrels running around on the roof from time to time. Didn’t think much of it. Kept on happening, and started to sound awfully close to the window and not on the roof. I ignored it for a pretty long time.

After at least 40-45 minutes of being irritated by the noise (best guess, I had watched a couple of episodes of South Park on my DVR during the timespan) I banged on the wall in hopes of scaring them off until I could get to sleep.

Just two quick bangs with my fist. Which were answered with 2 bangs on the wall right next to the window from outside.

Needless to say, I just about shit and jumped out of bed.

Now, my living room has a bay window, and is on the other end of the house, so I could look out that window from the side and see my bedroom window. I hustle downstairs and peek out.

I see a guy standing in front of my house, below my bedroom window. He’s got a knife (small pocket knife) in his hand, and he’s “petting” the front of my house.

Call the police and wait. He never leaves the front of the house even when they roll up and ultimately disarm and arrest him without much struggle.

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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