Heidi Priebe

Your Life Doesn’t Wait Until You’re Ready

It’s easy to shrug off missed chances as risks we were not ready to take. But when it comes down to it, are we ever fully prepared to take the big risks that present themselves to us? Are we ever going to be 100% prepared to make a change?

Why You Deserve To Be Happy

You deserve to be happy because you are alive. Not in the classic, cliché sense but in a core, biological fashion. You were built to use happiness as a tool to evaluate the world that surrounds you.

The 6 Stages Of Dating In Your 20s

You resolve that unless the Universe drops someone directly into your lap, you will just die alone and be fine with it. Maybe you’ll even get a cat.

When Home Moves On Without You

We all want to be the sole catalysts of change. We want to make drastic changes that leave big, gaping holes in our wake. We don’t want those holes filled in.