Gizelle Alaba

Pen & Paper
Articles by
Gizelle Alaba
Choose To Heal, Even When It’s Difficult
Choose to heal piece by piece. The process may not be easy. It may take days, months, or even years, but choose to get it through.
One Day, You Will No Longer Be An Almost
One day, you will be looked at like the most amazing being in the universe.
100 Life Lessons I Learned In 2019
Love is great, love is wonderful, but love is not enough.
We All Have To Start Somewhere
Start now. Start where you are.
Stop Waiting For Life To Be Perfect
Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in right now.
You Are Allowed To Leave Any Story You Aren’t Happy In
You are allowed to surround yourself with positivity, acceptance and, most of all, love.
This Is For The Single Mama’s This Mother’s Day
Hey, listen. Believe me, you are doing your best.
I Hope You Settle For A Person Just Like This
You are rare, you are one of a kind, you are extraordinary.
25 Things To Remember After You Fall For The Wrong Person
Don’t go looking for love. Love will find you when it’s time.
You Don’t Belong In An Almost Relationship
It is magical, superficial.
Quit Running From Love And Let It Find You
Let go of those false hopes. Let go of those high hopes. Let things work themselves out.