Farah Ayaad
An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.
19 Everyday Struggles Only Cynical Romantics Will Understand
You don’t buy it when someone tells you they’ll be there for you. You have been there before. You know better.
A Letter To Assholes: Here’s Why She’ll Never Come Back And You’ll Never Forget Her
She wanted magic and you gave her the illusion of it.
What Happens When A Dreamer And A Cynic Fall In Love
Dreamers love magic, cynics love logic. Dreamers drive cynics wild, cynics keep dreamers safe. Dreamers run towards love, cynics run away from it.
The Choice: The Asshole VS The Nice Guy
The nice guy mends your heart while the asshole breaks it.
What He Says VS What He Really Means
“If I get with someone after this, it will be with a girl who’s a lot like you.” Translation: You’re everything I want but you don’t match that picture perfect I had in my head.
The FOMO Syndrome: Things He’s Not Telling You
He’s always engaged with someone but never to someone, moving from one woman to the other. He’s so terrified with the idea of devoting his time and energy to one person, and so scared to invest his feelings and hopes in someone.
Falling In Love With One Asshole After The Other, Here’s What I Learned
Assholes show us what we deserve, we show them what they don’t.
What It’s Like To Love A Wild Woman
A wild woman is scary because she is a dream you have given-up on, a dream you’ve never thought would come true after all the broken promises, the disappointments and the heartache.
You Want Me, I Want You, How Come This Is Goodbye?
The way we end our relationships with people says a lot about who we are because our character goes under test when we are not at our best, when we are doubtful, confused, or hurt.