Erin Cinney
Let go or be dragged.
7 Things The Former ‘Nice Girl’ No Longer Has Time For
Complacency: Anything luke-warm, half-assed, or even nice but not amazing. With one life to live, these things can be thrown away to make room for something better.
What You Can Expect From A Summer Fling, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aquarius: Your Summer fling will be unexpected in that it will be with someone that you already know but had not seen in that light before.
Ranking The Zodiac Signs By Who Bounces Back The Fastest After Heartbreak
An Aries will get over you by throwing themselves into self-improvement. So technically, they get over you pretty quickly, but their drive and goals will last much longer.
This Is What Makes Someone Fall Madly In Love With You Based On Your Birth Month
If you were born in July, you better believe people fall in love with you for your sense of humor.
Here’s What Kind of Husband He’ll Be, Based On His Birth Month
If you married a May-man, you married an itinerary-maker.
6 Difficult But Extremely Necessary Exercises In Self-Love
Take note of the things you are clinging to that you have outgrown.
This Is What Being Someone’s ‘Person’ Really Means
Being someone’s person means that you don’t need to flex your best and instead can bare your worst to them, and they to you.
Why People Who Love The Christmas Season Are The Happiest To Be Around
The beauty of Christmas is that it comes every year and we always have the hope that we will be reunited for the next one, if not, sooner.