Dian Tinio
Dian is the author of Catastrophes, a prose and poetry collection exploring living and loving, breaking and mending, falling and rising, losing and surviving. Get in touch with her on Instagram and Twitter.
Articles by
Dian Tinio
I Hope You Don’t Just Happen To Anyone
Hey you, I hope you don’t just happen to anyone.
Christianity Is Hard
It’s creating time to meet Him wherever you are.
Sometimes, Love Means Leaving
For love should be building each other in love and in encouragement.
When I Fall In Love, This Is How I Want It To Be
I want love to always try. I don’t want love to be lax.
Dear God – Thank You For The Bad Days
Thank you because you made me realize just how different your face comes across when I’m suffering and not rejoicing.
Remember Whenever You’re Losing Hope, God Is Always There
He knows our hearts, our desires and our wishes all according to His glory and riches. He honors our prayers. He honors our desires and He will fulfill it in all His glory.
Dear God – I’m Giving It All To You
Maybe I need to learn to give it all to You, God.
What It Will Feel Like When You Find The Love You Deserve
Love will be willing to communicate with patience. Love will apologize when it’s their fault and sometimes even when it’s not, love will always be willing to mend the wrongs.
The Ugly Truth About Being His Second Choice
And honestly, I should have realized that long time ago. That I wasn’t really first, that I’m always next to her.
Dear God — I’m Coming Back To You
I want to please You, and not the world. I want to do things for Your glory and not mine. I want my life to be a book of blessing, a prism that will radiate Your light.
Dear God — You Are Good Always
You are good, always. Even when I don’t understand anything, even when I’m sitting in the lowest point of my life.
This Year, I’m Giving Myself Another Chance
I am believing in myself, that there is beauty inside me, that I am my own sunshine, that I am a work of art.
Letting People Go Is Beautiful
So let them go.
I Thank 2016 For Discovering You
I thank 2016 for the chance to discover how much I love being with you.
50 One-Sentence Reminders Everyone Who Feels Like They’re Failing At Life Needs To Hear Right Now
Excuses will always be there for you, opportunity won’t.
Let 2017 Be Your Year Of Healing And Redemption
Let 2017 be the year you will open your eyes to the richness of life and of people.
This Is What I Had To Learn When You Weren’t There
You weren’t there. And it verified one thing; at the darkest moment of our lives, even our shadows leave us.
You Deserve A Love That Is Unafraid To Love You First
If they willingly decided to love you wholly, then go ahead: love them. You’re an amazing soul. The right one will see that, needless to say. You don’t need to sell yourself short to everyone you meet.