Chrissy Stockton
10 Things That Happen When You Live In The Middle Of Nowhere (On Purpose)
Everything is more intense.
15 People On Their Experience With The ‘Sleep Paralysis Demon’
A large dark figure, kind of a human silhouette, emerging from the foot of my bed and staring down at me.
14 Incredible Nora Ephron Quotes That Explain What Women Want Today
I have no desire to be dominated. Honestly I don’t. And yet I find myself becoming angry when I’m not.
23 Tenacious Quotes To Inspire You To Jump Start Your Resolutions
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
13 Things That Happen When You Don’t Work 9-5 (But All Your Friends Do)
You have a group of “day” friends who you might not have been close with were it not for your shared schedules.
13 Signs You’re The Black Sheep Of Your Family
Shots are your preferred alcohol delivery system.
Here’s Exactly What To Gift People, Based On Their Myers-Briggs Type
An axe. Seriously. Give them a real power tool or a decorative reminder of the power they exude from their strong personality.
Here’s Your Heartwarming Montage Of People Getting Puppies For Christmas
Pro tip: have some tissues at the ready.
21 Weird Things Girls Do When They’re Alone Together
Say “is it okay if I take my pants off” before taking their pants off and remarking about how cute their underwear is and where they bought it.
12 Things My Perfect Boyfriend Would Get Me For Christmas (AKA What You Should Get YOUR Girlfriend)
A down comforter. It’s a gift that feels decadent, and one your girlfriend will use every day, all year.
20 Cheap (But Awesome) Holiday Gift Ideas For Broke People
Bacon infused bourbon.
30 People On ‘That Time I Knew A Murderer’
“It still creeps me out that I saw this man almost EVERY SINGLE DAY and he just sat there with his coffee plotting my demise.”
This Is What You Don’t Know About Having A Massive Instagram Following
“Instagram is the reason I’m bullied constantly at school.”
23 Parents Describe Their Kids’ Creepy Imaginary Friends (That Are Probably Actually Demons)
My son from the age of three always tells me about the “creeper man” who lives in my mom and dads bedroom. He brings it up after he visits them. I made the mistake once of asking what he looks like. My son said “Oh, he doesn’t have a face.”
10 Reasons Youngest Siblings Make The Best Adults
They don’t have giant egos. There are certain people in the world that will always view you a youngest child as a baby or as their kid sister/brother. You can be a CEO, but you’ll still be “shrimp” to your family.
Ranking The Girls On This Season Of ‘The Bachelor’ In Order Of How Depressing They Seem
Cassandra makes vegan pasta with Zucchini noodles. :(
9 Rules For Surviving Minnesota Winters
Tip: in a pinch you can scrape ice off your windows with a credit card and an empty fast food beverage cup can shovel up snow near your tires.
OMG These Kids Being Interviewed About Their Moms Are Insanely Cute
This is a reminder to try to see yourself through the eyes of a person who loves you today.