17 Men Explain What ‘Woman Logic’ Is

Compiled from various places on Reddit

Woman logic is these arguments:

Here are some of my favorites from ex’s:

I had a dream that you cheated on me and now I’m mad at you.

I can’t find my earrings so we can’t go.

Well what am I supposed to do while you’re training?

Her: I don’t care what we eat.
Me: Ok how about ____.
Her: Ewww no, I don’t want to eat there.
Me: But you just said…
Her: Yeah anywhere but that.
Me: Ugh, ok how about ____.
Her: …. no.

I wasn’t going to buy it but it was on sale, so I realized I was going to save money!

Woman logic is saying what you don’t mean and expecting people to have ESP


Woman logic is this version of equality

You’re supposed to pull my chair out, hold the door open for me, pay for me and be nice to me no matter what.

While treating me like an equal.

Woman logic is expecting men to have ESP


Woman logic is not understanding the categorial imperative

I was talking to a girl that I am friends with and recently started dating and she said I was stupid for not texting her because she really wanted to talk, when I asked why she didn’t text me first her response was “Well, I wanted to see if you would text me!”

Woman logic is treating guys they think are shitty a lot better than guys they actually like

I used to meet a lot of women who allegedly loved me more than any man they’d ever had previously, but went to great lengths to never, ever have sex with me. They weren’t virgins; many had quite the history with men. But I still never got anywhere. Their reasoning was grounded in woman-logic: “I’ve been hurt by a lot of assholes in the past, and I really care about you, so I want to do this right” or some variation of that.

If you’re a loser, upon hearing that, you’ll think to yourself, “Oh, joy! I’m totally not an asshole, and she notices that and is rewarding me with a real [non-sexual] relationship instead of a shallow one that’s going to fail! I’m so lucky! I’ll wait forever for such a wonderful person! I should find something nice to do for her right now to let her know how grateful I am!”

Here’s how that woman-logic sounds to a real guy: “Other men worse than you have gotten farther with me, in less time, with less of an emotional and financial investment. But because I care more about you, I am making you jump through hoops and making you spend a greater amount of time and resources to get less far with me. Because I care more about you. What? Why are you looking at me like that? This makes perfect sense. Yes, giving less to people I care about more makes sense.”

Here’s what the girl really means: “I’ve pegged you for a chump. I don’t think you have options with other women, and I don’t think you’re willing to walk away, so I’m going to frame this relationship on my terms. We fuck when I want to, and that’s going to be after I’ve made you jump through a bunch of hoops to prove you’re my little compliant bitch who’s going to give me all the time, resources, and validation I want, at will. If you were a real man, you’d have fucked me already, but I’ve cast you for the role of bitch. I don’t care about you. I care about me. I don’t even like you. Sex is reserved for real men. You’re not a real man. You’re my bitch.”

Here’s the kicker: Most women don’t know that they really mean this. They just know that the validation feels good, and that a guy who keeps validating them without sex makes them feel powerful, happy, and better about themselves. When any woman hears the line of girl logic, “I’ve been hurt in the past,” it makes perfect sense to them – she’s screwed up by giving it up too easily before and wants to stop screwing up. By stop screwing up, they mean that she needs to do a better job of withholding sex to bait men into doing shit for her to earn it. They don’t know they mean that, but that’s what they mean.

Only in the eyes of a woman does it make sense to give less to a man that you love more. But that’s the rationalization kicking in. If a woman is giving you less, and making you do more for it, that’s the exact opposite of loving you more. Being stingy with affection is the opposite of love. Requiring an exchange of favors rather than just giving of yourself is the opposite of love.

It’s a difficult truth to admit and to accept, not just for us, but for women, too. I think on some level, they want to love that nice guy who’s going out of his way for them, but they just don’t. They can’t. But they tell themselves that they do, and that they’re just taking it slow to avoid getting hurt like they have in the past. Because they love him more. And if things don’t work out, he’s still a great guy – the chemistry just wasn’t there. And if they slip up and screw some hot guy from work, it was a mistake. They don’t love that guy. They love the nice guy, don’t they? They were just drunk.

“I’ve been hurt in the past and want this to be different,” is nothing more than an insidious shit test. By complementing you, telling you that you’re different from every other guy, that you’re not an asshole or a douche, and that she loves you more than every previous man, you’re off-guard when in combination with all of that praise, she denies you sex. Because she loves you more.

Woman logic is this conundrum

Doesn’t want guys to stare at my ass. Wears shorts with words printed on them.

Woman logic is being extremely self-centered


Woman logic is assuming only men should make the first move

When girls assume guys should start conversations/relationships/ask the girl out.

No. If you want a guy, talk to him yourself. If you do it right, and he likes you, then you’re destined for success. If he doesn’t like you, or you messed it up, what have you lost? Nothing! In fact, you’ve gained valuable experience for the future.

Sometimes (ha!) guys are blind. Sometimes you have to take the first step. This is especially true if you want a shy or quiet guy – they will almost never start up the relationship.

Woman logic is this life cycle of sex in a relationship

Day One: “I want you to take charge sexually. I want you to ‘want’ me. I want you to be dominant and ‘have your way with me.'”

Day Two: “Stop! I don’t want to have sex tonight!”

Day Three (still trying): “Stop! I don’t want to have sex tonight!”

Day Four (giving up, but last hope): “Stop! I don’t want to have sex tonight!”

Day Five (given up): “Why don’t you think I’m sexy? Why aren’t you trying to have sex with me? Why do I always have to start things? Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, now you’re mad at me?”

Woman logic is assuming men are wrong, whatever side of the spectrum they fall on


Woman logic is blaming everyone else

women logic – date 10 guys, doesn’t work out, blame everything but herself. reach early 30’s, starting hating men, live with 2 cats in an apt. ultimate manifestation – become feminist

Woman logic is anything a guy doesn’t understand

Pluck eyebrows out. Draw them back on.

Woman logic is being a massive hypocrite


Woman logic is being unreasonable

I dated a girl that I had known since elementary school.

Her: I just remembered something mean you did to me in elementary school and now I’m really mad at you.
Me: We’re 20 now. Are you serious?
Her: Yes.
Me: Are you going to stop having sex with me because I know what you looked like when you were 8, as well?

We broke up pretty much after that.

Woman logic is being self-centered

In my experience women want you to know what they want/think without having to ask. Its ultimate egocentric-ism. After all if she is feeling it, then you must be too, right?

And….. woman logic explained

You are correct in your first sentence, but wrong about the second. Women consider that, if you love them, you will pay attention to her tastes. They consider a powerful demonstration of love when you show that you have actually been paying attention to her tastes and pick something correctly for her.
They do that because they do pay attention to your tastes, as a way to show their love for you, and expect you to do the same for them. They are not being egocentric. They are expecting reciprocity. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Chrissy Stockton

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