Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

8 Signs You Have Way Too Many Feelings

You bump into an end table on the way out the door and you briefly stop to say “excuse me,” because you wouldn’t want that end table to think that you were the kind of rude homeowner who doesn’t care about his or her furniture.

The 10 Most Hilariously Stupid Criticisms People Make About 20 Somethings

No one is pumped about moving back in with their parents. No one is like, “Sweet, after all of this time developing myself as an individual and getting to taste the rich luxuries of having people over whenever I want, I can’t wait to go back under the passive-aggressive rule of my parents at the ripe old age of 24.”

7 Things That Women Need To Stop Lying About

No one believes you when you are checking your phone at the dinner table literally every 20 seconds, despite the fact that it has not buzzed or rung even once, shaking like you’re coming down from PCP.

Guys Only Want The Shy, Pretty Girls

You’re not afraid of confrontation, you shine in interviews, and you have a knack at getting along with new people. When you are in control of the careening steam engine that is your loudness, there is nothing better.

19 Signs You Have The Perfect Best Friend

You have a mutual favorite movie or show that the two of you can quote down to the last line. Everyone has learned to hate your conversations that exist only between the two of you and are entirely comprised of quotes from said movie. It has basically become your second language.